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Журнализд сначала пишет, что цены упали в два раза, а потом, мол, «должна была осуществлять только «ВИМ-авиа» — цены на полеты в Москву и обратно резко выросли с 32 тысяч до 62 тысяч рублей.»
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Patch 3 for Wasteland 2 is here, bringing our biggest change and improvement list yet! Most notably, we’ve got Steam Achievements, colorblind mode, and you can now carry your Ranger squad over into a second adventure after finishing the game the first time!
Note: as usual, GOG.com and other platforms may be a little bit later in releasing the update as their teams prep it. Steam users can download the patch right now.
Added Steam Achievements! Collect them all, if you dare. These are currently only in for Windows. Steam Achievements should be backwards compatible for many (but not all) save files, so players will receive achievements automatically by loading up their save files.
Added and improved epilogue text to fix bugs and add more details that were previously missing.
Added colorblind mode! Activate it in the Display Options menu. This mode changes certain HUD element colors, primarily in combat, to be easier to discern for people with colorblindness.
Added a new brightness/saturation calibration screen to get the game looking as good as it should on a display near you.
Characters are now automatically exported at the end of the game. Veteran characters will now be noted as such in character creation.
Further improvements to Text Size setting so it now affects much more text across the interface. This will help out players who are visually impaired, or who play on high-DPI displays, or TVs.
Added an option to show/hide selection circles on the party, for those who would prefer them off.
Continued cleanup of bugs and issues, especially in California.
Characters are now automatically exported at the end of the game. Veteran characters will now be noted as such in character creation. This lets you reuse them in new games.
Changed name of SAW machine gun to Death Sifter.
Fixed leaving specific random encounters putting the party in the wrong location on the World Map.
It is no longer possible to drop items on the World Map.
Bug fix for rare circumstance where the combat grid doesn’t get close enough to a pickup item to loot it.
Greatly reduced the combat movement speed penalty for the Army Issue Backpack trinket to be more in line with the bonuses it provides.
«Shit» items are no longer labeled as junk to prevent players accidentally selling them when they’re needed for TNT Tan’s quest.
Zeolite and Cat Litter are now stackable.
Fixed Gary Wolfe having wrong ammo type.
Can no longer use Weaponsmithing on the Gold-Plated Derringer (stops player from stripping it for parts and locking them out of Jess-Belle’s quest).
LAW-wielding nuns now drop LAWs instead of RPG-7s.
Added better loot to the Angel Oracle armory.
Reduced the weight of Energy Cells by half.
Corrected the Leadership hit chance bonus.
Using a code to unlock an electronic lock should now give an XP reward relative to the task’s difficulty, so you are no longer discouraged from using a code if you have one.
Greatly increased amount of XP from killing Night Terror.
Increased value of Hoblets’ Problem Solver.
It should no longer be possible to dismiss unconscious CNPCs when asking another CNPC to join.
Increased weight of .50 cal ammo.
Arizona World Map: Upped random encounter merchant chance from 5% to 25%.
Fixed removing followers with script not removing status effects properly.
Provost should no longer hate you in California if he hated you in Arizona. He should also be keeping track of his death flag now, which before he was not.
User Interface
Added colorblind mode. Activate it in the Display Options menu. This mode changes certain HUD element colors to be easier to discern for people with colorblindness.
Added a brightness/saturation calibration menu. This will let you calibrate the game ideally for your display.
Improved Text Size so that it affects a few straggling bits of the HUD it previously wasn’t. This should now cause just about every possible piece of text in the game to resize correctly depending on the setting.
Added “English (Subtitled)” to language drop-down menu which turns on English subtitles on the intro movie for our hearing-impaired friends.
Added an option to show/hide selection circles on party.
Updated HUD with new art from Maxx. Thanks Maxx!
Status effect tooltips should correctly display stat units (%, m., lbs., etc.).
Switching between characters in the inventory will no longer reset the item filter.
Item inventory position should now be retained between levels and loads.
Added support for Cyrillic characters to saved game names.
Double-clicking icons on the local map will now move the camera to the location of the associated object or mob.
It should now be possible to scroll via the keyboard in the World Map while the mouse cursor is over the HUD.
Fixed duplicating items by using them and them picking them up in the inventory.
The conversation stats should no longer wrap incorrectly.
Added tooltips to currency and carry weight labels in the inventory.
Conversation preview text should now resize with Text Size changes.
Fixed text tooltip wrapping. Again.
Another fix for incorrect text wrapping when changing resolution.
Very Large text should no longer cause save game entry dates to vanish.
Tutorial text should now be affected by the text size option.
The “Distribute All” button text should no longer vanish at Very Large text size.
TextResizers on inactive objects (like the conversation HUD) should respond correctly if Text Size is changed before they are started.
Longer epilogue text should now fit on the screen.
Eliminated the goofy inventory item pop to (0, 0) when repositioning.
Right-clicking an item while dragging a different item should no longer result in an incorrect tooltip.
Added some optimizations to the skill info panel.
Main Menu is now rebuilt when Texture Size is changed to prevent corrupt images from displaying.
Main Menu buttons should no longer wrap incorrectly after changing resolution.
Hotkey buttons should no longer be usable when it is an enemy’s turn in combat.
Skill item tooltip skill levels will now be taken from the selected character if one is not explicitly set.
The World Map water display should no longer be positioned incorrectly after refilling canteens after radio calls.
The World Map stop button will only stop and the resume button will only resume on the world map. They will no longer act as toggles.
Fixed an issue where factions can hate themselves. Also added fixes for saves where faction might have already hated themselves.
An extra health bar should no longer wind up stuck over the head of PCs who recover from unconsciousness.
Level transition confirmations will now only show up if there isn’t another menu open already.
Fixed language selection by index to work correctly (using the actual dropdown list of languages instead of the array of all languages).
Fixed a minor UI memory leak.
Loading a game that is in individual movement mode will no longer incorrectly highlight the entire party’s portraits.
Minor optimization for leadership tooltip.
Fixed text wrapping/overlap issues on several tooltips.
Camera settings should now be applied to the World Map camera.
Local maps should now be shrunk to fit within the bounds of the box if the level is rotated.
The Ambush and Meson Cannon Target icons should no longer overlap.
The conversation manual input panel should correctly activate at the beginning of a conversation.
Hid the inventory keybinding from the Control Options menu, since it’s basically the same as the character keybinding.
The inventory/character tooltip on the world map Geiger counter now shows “Character” and the current keybinding.
Added a new load screen tooltip discussing how to repair friendly robots.
Larger XP numbers on the character info screen should no longer be shrunk to the point of illegibility.
Added a single-frame delay between creation of character entries on the character creation screen.
The default enemy portrait is now instantiated rather than being used straight from the resources directory.
Message menu titles should no longer wrap incorrectly.
Animal Whisperer status effect tooltips will no longer say that they can be removed with the appropriate item.
Replaced the red background on the combat initiative CON bars with black.
It should no longer be possible to save when returning to the main menu.
Tutorial buttons should no longer show up in the epilogue.
Item descriptions should no longer go off the end of the item info menu with Large or Very Large text.
Weapon range data should no longer wind up misaligned.
Extraneous ammo stats will no longer be displayed.
The item name should no longer overlap with the item weight on the item info menu.
Items should now be removed by instance instead of by name in the item dropoff menu.
Ammo info is now updated when a character’s inventory is modified.
The default Ranger star should be used correctly if a usable item has no specific use icon set.
Added the keypad Enter key as a default secondary binding for attack target.
Dragging and dropping ammo on an equipped weapon in the inventory will now reload the weapon.
Limited character creation names to 32 characters to prevent issues.
Ammo loaded into weapons is now counted in the total ammo count tooltip.
Moved the Free Aim icon on the weapon HUD to be a little farther from the edge.
Updated Dugan’s Worker Bot sound effects.
Made Dugan’s Worker Bot footsteps louder.
Fixed Safecracking sound effect not playing on success.
Fixed Griffith Park background music not looping correctly.
On World Map and Rookie difficulty, auto-healing should now only occur when a party member is injured (fixes healing sound playing all the time).
Cleaned up AudioController warnings.
Added a script event for screen resolution changes.
Removed Raw audio mode as further investigation revealed it to not be very usable for end users (primarily developer/debug option).
Commented out a bunch of spammy print statements.
Removed unneeded references to various atlases.
Pausing/unpausing the game during a cutscene should no longer incorrectly enable tutorials.
Changing the overall graphics quality should no longer change the brightness on the Main Menu.
Improved loading for radio messages to reduce stuttering.
Added color lookup tables for several Arizona levels.
Stored party templates are now cleaned up when new templates are created. This will prevent them from piling up in a scene when the game is saved.
Updated trap explosion sound effects.
Fixed combat music not playing if Music Volume is on 0 and combat is initiated, then Music Volume is increased.
Added some bird takeoff sound effects.
Perception radius visual effect is now local so it moves with the character while playing.
Moved several logbook sound effect transforms to longer-lived parents.
Reduced book name length in inventory to prevent it from being cut off.
Fixed loot HUD not producing a sound effect when opened and closed.
Made sure sound effects play when looting items using the “Distribute All” button.
Fixed an issue where breaking certain walls would not play the correct sound effect.
Added SoundCategories for Turrets and their weapons.
Save Game option lockout now disappears if you exit a level to prevent players from permanently losing save functionality.
Gary Wolfe is now called a “gunner” to better reflect his skills and equipment.
Party followers should no longer be sleep managed (deactivated) as it was causing some nasty bugs if they somehow managed to get outside the sleep radius.
The Mailinator now uses the correct weapon model.
Can no longer use Mechanical Repair on dead synths for free XP.
Can no longer use Computer Science on dead robots for free XP.
Fixed a null error with SynthTech_Drama in OnDestroy.
Straight-up disabled joystick input to prevent any sort of conflicts.
Added new Switch Fire mode sound effect.
Fixed suicide monk charge-up sound effect
The dressing room (inventory) camera should work correctly the first time the dressing room is opened.
Added sound effect when trinket items are equipped.
Correctly hooked up some sound effects for synths.
Put Vargas sound effects under the correct sound category to be affected by the Voice Volume slider.
Ranger Citadel: Added checks to prevent Vargas from barking if he’s dead.
Ranger Citadel: Adjusted rock materials and added color tables.
Ranger Citadel: Fixed issue causing party to clip through the bridge.
Ranger Citadel: Updated Wade Woodson’s MAXCON.
Ranger Citadel: Adjusted volume of cicada sound effect.
Ranger Citadel: Trade window no longer closes when giving shit to TNT Tan.
Ranger Citadel: Can no longer speak to the jailor if Baychowski is dead.
Ranger Citadel: Dr. Tidemann no longer heals the party if they’re at max health.
Ranger Citadel: Briefly delay the crow flyaway so it won’t happen until after intro movie ends.
Ag Center: Fixed portraits for Kathy Lawson.
Ag Center: It’s no longer possible to obtain radio parts from the satellite if the radio has been activated.
Ag Center: Fixed Pod People being able to get Pod Infection status… why they weren’t immune to their own disease, the world will never know.
Ag Center: Fixed an issue wherein vine blockers would explode every time the player entered proximity.
Ag Center: Fixed being able to avoid Patrick Larsen fight in the East Field by splitting party.
Ag Center: Adjusted color table for the Killing Fields.
Ag Center: Fixed unreachable safe in the corn maze.
Ag Center: Added portrait to DNA Sequencer in the Central Basement.
Ag Center: A vine victim now correctly has female description text instead of male.
Ag Center: Fixed Honeydew Lewis trying to take cover inside a vine cluster and becoming untargetable as a result.
Ag Center: Fixed a line of sight issue in combat from upper balcony in the Killing Fields.
Ag Center: Fixed an issue wherein Kathy would mention the satellite dish even though it had never been discussed.
Ag Center: Fixed order of logic in Matt’s transform after being shot.
Ag Center: Attacking Matt in the lab before turning in the fungicide will now make all appropriate parties hate you in the room and start combat.
Ag Center: Fans in Central Basement can no longer be turned on if they’re exploded.
Ag Center: Blood Staff toaster will now always appear in Central Basement.
Ag Center: Fixed pigeon coops not displaying examine cursor after being looted.
Ag Center: Fixed incorrect examine text on opened broken hatch airlock doors.
Ag Center: Added some missing fan sound effects in the Central Basement.
Ag Center Destroyed: Fixed an issue wherein the player was being told to go back to Ag Center when it became destroyed, even if they have already acquired radio data by activating the radio unit.
Ag Center Destroyed: Updated conversation to make it harder to miss a quest when talking to Kathy Lawson.
Ag Center Destroyed: Removed pickup cursor if radio tower can’t be looted.
Ag Center Destroyed: Radio calls from interacting with the radio console no longer occur if the radio was turned on prior to Ag Center becoming destroyed.
Ag Center Destroyed: Removed navmesh from Kathy Lawson’s viney tomb.
Highpool: Killing patients or Harold’s body guards in the town hall now makes the villagers angry.
Highpool: Wrecking Crew Stronghold quest now resolves if Mayor Preston has been killed.
Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein Bergin was not fading in smoothly when teleporting to the voting area.
Highpool: Tweaked lighting levels and added new color tables.
Highpool: Linked missing reference to Jess-Belle’s safe in Jess-Belle’s drama.
Highpool: Added a backwards compatibility fix to add missing Jess-Belle logbook entries if you Hard Assed the safe thugs.
Highpool: Added faction anger for Harold.
Highpool: Removed satellite dish to improve RV highlighting.
Highpool: Bergin now paths to his spot near the crane if the game is reloaded after the election concludes.
Highpool: Kate Preston evasion lowered. Increased damage taken from party.
Highpool: Wormy Jim no longer investigates sounds, to prevent him wandering.
Highpool Underground: Fixed an issue wherein Kate did not acknowledge the current state of the valve puzzle.
Highpool Underground: Removed the sentence “If you don’t get those valves closed [i]now[-], everything’s gonna blow!” from radio because the valves are supposed to be opened, not “closed”. Also adjusted text to match.
Highpool Destroyed: Removed examine collider from train tracks that was blocking movement in combat.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Ralphy would not react to Jessie being murdered in the playground by the Rangers.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein a cutscene would not end after encountering Pitbull.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein combat would lock up if the Rangers wiped out Kekkahbah with a rocket at the peace meeting with Casey.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein using the keyword “Leverage” in Kekkahbah’s conversation prevented the Rangers from continuing with the peace process.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein it was not possible to tell Kekkahbah about the rail thieves following the peace ceremony.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Jessie would bark after blowing up in the playground.
Rail Nomads Camp: Tweaked reverb for meeting hall.
Rail Nomads Camp: Slight improvement to Melissa’s suicide shot muzzle flash.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Chisel would not attempt to rejoin the Rangers if there was no room available.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Casey’s arm would regrow after he cut it off. It’s not radiation, folks.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Jessie would not leave her cell upon being freed if the Rangers had unlocked the cell prior to speaking with Kekkahbah.
Rail Nomads Camp: Added short bark if Ralphy is in the party when Kekkahbah threatens Jessie.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein an incorrect logbook entry was being added upon receiving Ace’s Log Book from Samuel Haas.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein it was possible to continue the peace process after giving Kekkahbah the Brake Shoe.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein combat failed to start if Samuel Haas was attacked as he was trying to leave the Little Red Hen.
Rail Nomads Camp: Examining H.R.’s Log Book no longer triggers a logbook entry. It must be looted.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Robert Bowling did not acknowledge Pitbull’s death.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed Melissa’s gunshot being played at the wrong location.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed water sounds not being affected by Effect Volume slider.
Atchisons’ Camp: Added more cover to the rail thief bridge encounter.
Prison: Turned off interactable cloth for a flag that was throwing a ton of errors. Lowered farm dirt and moved spawner to make sure farmer doesn’t clip through ground.
Prison: Fixed RSM not investigating an alarm near the security checkpoint.
Prison: Increased XP earned for killing Danforth to 225.
Prison: Fixed some navmesh issues inside the RSM cave to prevent Rangers from getting stuck inside wall.
Prison: Removed investigate sounds from Chris VanOverbake and crew.
Prison: Misc. fog of war fixes.
Prison: Fixed an issue where characters could fall through a ramp.
Prison: Chris VanOverbake and crew now teleport to the RSM checkpoint after the Rangers pay their taxes. This prevents an issue where the party could rush and get there before them and interrupt the sequence there.
Canyon of Titan: Extended the range of a trigger for Bart in order to make sure he activates it to prevent issues when returning him to Jill Yates.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed an erroneous keyword appearing when talking to Sadler which implied he didn’t know who the Mad Monks were.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed a broken prefab where a camera focus node went missing. This affected the cutscene where the suicide monk blew up the DBM base.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed a line of sight bug that could cause an infinite combat scenario with Honey Badgers from far-off overlooking cliff.
Canyon of Titan: Embiggended the DBM headquarters flag.
Canyon of Titan: Added dialog to Bridewell to acknowledge that you gave her weapons already at some point.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed locked up conversation with Sadler for “Not Willing” keyword.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed some Bridewell save/load issues.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed the red, yellow, green triggers near the DBM headquarters entrance.
Temple of Titan: Removed keyword “Help” when you have already given Dale some goop.
Temple of Titan: Fixed an issue wherein Father Enola would incorrectly appear wounded in front of the Temple exit even though he was previously killed.
Temple of Titan: Fixed several nav grid/pathfinding issues.
Temple of Titan: Fixed fog of war covering up Tom’s cutscene when approaching from certain angles.
Temple of Titan: Fixed a hacked turret in the DBM headquarters shooting through walls.
Temple of Titan: Fixed cover placement.
Temple of Titan: Fixed an issue where the player was able to kill a suicide monk before he got to his detonation spot at the DBM headquarters.
Temple of Titan: Fixed Brother Shapiro wait to join combat flag if he’s not in the party and in certain states.
Temple of Titan: Converted the scene where Father Enola takes you to the underground to be arrested to a cutscene to prevent issues with saving or attacking during that scene.
Temple of Titan: Can now use Lockpick to open a gate in the raider-controlled version of the level (prevents an issue in proceeding if player killed the raiders).
Temple of Titan: Fixed navmesh issues in the missile silo area.
Temple of Titan: Fixed some floating medical supply crates.
Temple of Titan: Fixed game locking up after conversation with Father Enola in Mad Monk prison.
Temple of Titan: Brother Roy Parsons should now give you more containers when he asks you for more sludge in tribute.
Temple of Titan: Added ability to get more sludge containers from Brother Roy Parsons if you don’t have enough for tribute.
Damonta: Updated large airplane prop with adjusted colors and lights.
Damonta: Tweaked terrain and lighting, fixed bad materials.
Damonta: Fixed “creaking hinge” sound when looting dead bodies to now play something more appropriate.
Damonta: Fixed Clyde logic to make sure he dies when you leave the level having never met him. Should clear up Epilogue logic a bit.
Damonta: Removed persistent corpse from Clyde’s guards.
Damonta: Jill will no longer mention Bart if he was never rescued.
Damonta: Fixed an issue wherein Rick Baychowski did not get killed by robots after Damonta is abandoned.
Damonta: Rick’s corpse no longer appears in Damonta if he never made it to Damonta.
Damonta: Added Universal Death to Baychowski.
Damonta: Fixed an issue wherein Lexcanium’s jail cell did not open correctly when opened with explosives.
Damonta: Fixed an issue where Bart leaving at the front entrance was not being tracked properly later when finding his cows.
Radio Tower: Fixed Spkye Alpha’s raiders temporarily disregarding combat movement rules when attacking them after they are sweet-talked and leave.
Wrecking Crew Stronghold: Fixed the level bounds so that they include the level transition.
Infected Village: Updated text to better reflect the location’s design.
Infected Village: Updated instructions and logbook about weapon cache location to match the local map.
Infected Village: Fixed a bug preventing combat movement if combat was started with a Ranger in a specific spot on a ramp.
Infected Pump Station: Fixed warnings about missing scripts.
Infected Pump Station: Cleaned up some colliders and layers.
Infected Pump Station: Fixed waterfall issue.
Gorkinovich’s Distillery: Fixed a combat bounds issue.
Gorkinovich’s Distillery: North building walls now provide cover.
Rick’s RV: Fixed an issue wherein Vargas failed to call and inquire about Rick Baychowski while visiting Rick’s RV.
Darwin’s Village: Pizepi no longer wants to join the Rangers if Jan is murdered.
Darwin’s Village: Fixed plague status effect being curable with Antibiotics.
Darwin’s Village: Fixed mutants outside the first room not engaging in combat if the first encounter is still underway.
Silo 7: Fixed some text being repeated when it shouldn’t have been.
Silo 7: Added an existing string to Sierra Madre logbook entry.
Silo 7: Fixed blank entry in a Rick Baychowski conversation.
Silo 7: Added klaxon sound to Father Enola’s radio call.
Silo 7: Added background music.
Arizona Random Encounter Map 2: Fixed an issue where a friendly trader could spawn inside an inaccessible building.
Arizona Random Encounter Map 2: Fixed some wall collision issues.
Arizona Random Encounter Map 3: Fixed an issue where Rangers could fall through a bridge.
Arizona Random Encounter Maps: Fixed missing script and lighting layer issues.
Santa Fe Springs: Woodson no longer drops materials used to upgrade the rad suits.
Santa Fe Springs: Moved Dave’s path node to the radio room.
Santa Fe Springs: Fixed an issue wherein two Dave Carlson corpses were visible simultaneously.
Santa Fe Springs: Added new logbook entries that track the progress of Cat Litter and Zeolite given to Woodson.
Santa Fe Springs: Repairing a fence now interrupts the active radio broadcast. Fixes a bug where Woodson calls the party even though he is next to them.
Rodia: Added new charred flesh textures.
Rodia: Smoothed terrain to prevent it popping into corner of bedroom in one of the brothel bedrooms.
Rodia: Fixed a normal map issue with a texture that was causing SSAO anomalies.
Rodia: Improved walkway texture and terrain leading up to mayor’s office so it’s more visible.
Rodia: Fixed roof texture association issue.
Rodia: Fixed missing texture issue on bank vault.
Rodia: Lowered difficulty of entrance gate for Lockpicking and Brute Force.
Rodia: Satan disappears after Rodia is saved from the Leather Jerks to prevent quest issues.
Rodia: Satan quest can now be completed after saving the town and getting Virgil to fix the radio tower. Satan triggers should also no longer resolve the quest until you talk to Virgil.
Rodia: Virgil should now start conversation immediately upon returning Satan.
Rodia: Dante should no longer magically teleport over to his table after fixing the radio tower and talking to him.
Rodia: Satan should no longer run to Virgil as part of his failure pathing.
Rodia: Critically failing Animal Whisperer on Satan works now.
Rodia: Fixed sound effect bug on barracks floors.
Rodia: Fixed texture on sewer entrance pipe.
Rodia: Synth battle with Leather Jerks should unset faction hate if you’ve hacked a synth.
Angel Oracle: Clarified dialog and added a logbook entry pertaining to the Mannerite toaster.
Angel Oracle: Relocated the “Baby Ruth” toaster to the area containing Feral Boars.
Angel Oracle: Mr. Manners now accepts Toast.
Angel Oracle: Fixed Mannerites with incorrect leg equipment.
Angel Oracle: Fixed incorrect speaker for a proximity conversation between a Mannerite and Robbinson.
Angel Oracle: The camera will now focus on Guard Llewelyn when bringing Fletcher back.
Angel Oracle: It is no longer possible to sneak past Sheriff Marshall after Fletcher has escaped.
Angel Oracle: Backwards compatibility fix to unlock Los Angeles Aqueduct if you used skill keywords to stop the execution.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the armory door would not open following a Robbinson takeover under certain conditions.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein Doc Edwinson displayed the medic icon even though he is no longer willing to heal the Rangers.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an NPC being hostile when they shouldn’t have been.
Angel Oracle: Reduced size of Feral Pigs.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the Rangers could get trapped inside the execution cage.
Angel Oracle: Removed item filtering when recovering inventory from the armory safes.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the Civility Enforcers Captain would not attack safe thieves.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the dog-killer Mannerites would fade away after being attacked.
Angel Oracle: Linked missing formation nodes to Sherriff spawner.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the guards near the cafeteria would be hostile if Mannerite guards were attacked in Playa Del Rey.
Angel Oracle: Newly added Cast IDs should also hate the Rangers if Angel Oracle has turned hostile.
Angel Oracle: Dr. Edwinson now adds the microscope to the player’s inventory if he agrees to lend it out.
Angel Oracle: Fixed torch sound effects.
Angel Oracle: Fixed receiving out of context journal entries regarding the thief quest if the Robbinsons have taken over.
Hollywood: Prevented HSP guards from spawning at Los Feliz gate after God’s Militia attacks.
Hollywood: Fixed Vulture’s Cry getting mad at the player for killing the pigs in the cemetery.
Hollywood: Killing Retribution Jones in Hollywood should now make sure he’s killed in Griffith too.
Hollywood: Closing the conversation with Matthias now correctly removes conversation UI tooltip.
Hollywood: Killing Ascension McDade before the broken man quest is recieved now has a different outcome.
Hollywood: Fixed Manny’s quest not being resolved when Retribution Jones conquers Hollywood.
Hollywood: Fixed George’s quest not receiving a new entry when Retribution Jones conquers Hollywood.
Hollywood: Fixed Ma Brown’s quest not receiving a new entry when Retribution Jones conquers Hollywood.
Hollywood: Fixed keywords when speaking with Matthias’ kiosk not disappearing when they should have.
Hollywood: Fixed Retribution Jones’ group stopping outside the cemetery when loading a save.
Hollywood: Fixed Heidi and Veronica stopping their escape when loading a save after intervening in their execution scene.
Hollywood: Logbook now updates when Heidi is saved from her execution.
Hollywood: Fixed killing Mary causing Heidi to slide towards Rangers.
Hollywood: Fixed pigs not joining combat in the cemetery if prostitutes have been attacked by the Rangers first.
Hollywood: Added new text to Ascension McDade to handle if the player kills Retribution Jones early in the retake Bastion quest.
Hollywood: Fixed killing Schwag first not putting Flo in charge of the diner.
Hollywood: Fixed being unable to tell Flo about Schwag’s death if the player kills him before getting the quest from her.
Hollywood: Removed some tooltips from certain generic idle NPCs that implied they could be spoken with.
Hollywood: Fixed Heidi and Veronica being at execution even though Heidi took over the Bastion.
Hollywood: Added new text if the player pisses off Matthias at his kiosk.
Hollywood: Changed some Ranger conversation lines when talking to Ma Brown.
Hollywood: Fixed a bug allowing conversation with Schwag to be initiated through a wall.
Hollywood: Fixed a quest update issue with the election quest.
Hollywood: Fixed misleading description shown in log after entering High Ground.
Hollywood: Fixed slaves in Swift’s office not running away if the player uses explosives to break the doors.
Hollywood: Fixed bodyguard from Heidi’s office being able to spot Rangers through the wall of Gwen’s room.
Hollywood: Fixed text describing Swifty’s ambush being shown too early.
Hollywood: Fixed text description in Schwag’s office repeating and describing dead NPCs if they’ve been killed.
Hollywood: Fixed being able to continually ask Swifty about a job.
Hollywood: Fixed being able to persuade Flo to vote for Veronica even if the player has never met Veronica before.
Hollywood: Fixed Heidi reacting incorrectly when the Rangers come back from Griffith after taking over the Bastion.
Hollywood: Fixed Heidi barking “thank you” while her prostitutes are still being attacked by Feral Pigs.
Hollywood: Made Ratboy’s description more consistent.
Hollywood Sewers: Fixed an unlootable medical supply chest.
Hollywood Sewers: Fixed conversation of thugs not triggering if eastern locker is opened.
Los Feliz: Fixed situation where if the player saved Luis before talking to Alex, Alex did not thank the player for helping his brother.
Griffith Park: Fixed Maggie’s logbook entry not updating.
Griffith Park: Prevented the radio tower gate from closing when clicking on it repeatedly, which led to it becoming unopenable.
Griffith Park: Fixed wrong description text in front of Bastion gate with turrets.
Griffith Park: Fixed invisible Garza barking when exterior gate controls are destroyed.
Griffith Park: Fixed being able to not complete Heidi’s quest if done before actually getting the quest.
Griffith Park: Fixed bug when destroying the front gate control, which could cause the Bastion gate to close and then open.
Griffith Park: Fixed descriptions mentioning NPCs in Bastion forecourt being once the NPCs have left.
Griffith Park: Improved Bastion gate feedback (tooltip and description) to be more obvious what player’s interaction choices are.
Griffith Park: Fixed a bug where there was a small chance the inside doors would not open while the player was in the Bastion forecourt.
Griffith Park: Fixed a bug where Heidi was showing up at the Bastion even though Retribution Jones was in control.
Griffith Park: Random Church Vigilant no longer appears inside the chapel once Malediction Mayweather has been killed.
Griffith Park: Fixed being unable to interact with Bastion gate control box.
Griffith Park: Fixed Luis’s intro line appearing as a bark — it now displays in the conversation HUD.
Griffith Park: Removed Constance Yee’s description of the Bastion statue, as it was inaccurate.
Griffith Park: Constance Yee now no longer uses same dialog for certain keywords as Maggie.
Griffith Park: Updated Southwestern Folklore description of the Bastion statue.
Griffith Park: Fixed nun character template.
Griffith Park: Fixed Billy’s conversation ending early when a certain keyword was picked.
Griffith Park: Fixed an issue with Retribution Jones’ quest getting updated early.
Griffith Park: Fixed Ascension McDade asking the player to tell Veronica he loves her even though the quest failed.
Griffith Park: Fixed Ascension McDade appearing in Bastion during coup when he was supposed to be in Hollywood.
Griffith Park: Fixed a small graphical issue with the Observatory’s door that allowed players to see through a gap in the model.
Griffith Park: Fixed “Investigation” dialogue line not fitting fit the conversation preview.
Griffith Park: Fixed conversation with Luis Bermudez being initiated before he speaks with his brother.
Griffith Park: Fixed Rocco di Leo not opening gate when save/loading.
Griffith Park: Fixed some hostile God’s Militia NPCs ignoring the Rangers after the Bastion gate controls have been destroyed.
Griffith Park: Fixed bug where an invisible Garza barks when Bastion gate controls are destroyed.
Griffith Park: Troops correctly disappear when Retribution Jones is in control of the Bastion.
Griffith Park: Fixed an issue where Jones/McDade cutscene where they kill Mayweather does not play.
Griffith Park: The player ordering the party to shoot at the ground will no longer cause Heidi to run back and forth between the Rangers and the Bastion gate.
Griffith Park: Fixed Heidi not heading back to Hollywood even though she tells the Rangers she will.
Griffith Park: Moved Meson Cannon’s position.
Griffith Park: Fixed an issue where Maggie walking to behind Samson’s Snack Shoppe could cause her cutscene to be interrupted.
Griffith Park: Added a death flag to Maggie’s script.
Griffith Park: Updated journal for finding Ascension McDade.
Griffith Park: Added a cutscene for when Heidi enters the Bastion.
Griffith Park: Sanctity White should now accept more item types as illicit.
Griffith Park: Can now learn Combat Shooting from bookcase.
Griffith Park: Fixed Meson Cannon near the Bastion gate remaining neutral if the player attacks nearby NPCs first.
Seal Beach: Dweezle should no longer join the Dugan battle.
Seal Beach: Warehouse split up into separate combat bounds, so you can’t fight people outside of the compound when inside.
Seal Beach: Fixed the shadow caster over the warehouse to be in line with how we do other roof shadows.
Seal Beach: Optimization pass on lights in the warehouse.
Seal Beach: Fixed a fog of war visibility issue when standing near the warehouse walls.
Seal Beach: Fixed Dweezle and the ambush group joining Rangers’ combat with Tonza and Rev. Degge T. Thomas, Jr.
Seal Beach: Fixed Mad Money Mike not continuing walking if the player exited the level and re-entered.
Seal Beach: Fixed Dweezle repeating his action if the player got to his point before him.
Seal Beach Underground: Fixed being able to complete Matthias quest without killing Woodson.
Seal Beach Underground: Fixed doors clipping into walls.
Seal Beach Underground: Fixed sandbags not providing cover.
Seal Beach Underground: Adjusted lighting in Scorpitron factory area.
Seal Beach Underground: Fixed an issue that wasn’t keeping track of Dugan’s death.
Seal Beach Underground: Added a fix for a broken save where you could get to the Underground, having completed the Matthias quest, and return to the helicopter only to find that it wasn’t there.
Seal Beach Underground: Fixed a null error if Kekkahbah was used to sacrifice but Vargas was not present.
Endgame: Fixed an issue wherein a Ranger healer only healed the party once.
Endgame: Casey James will no longer come the Rangers’ aid if Kekkahbah was given the Brake Shoe or he is suspected of stealing the Golden Spike.
Endgame: Fixed bug where Danforth, Campbell and Reina were showing up at end game even though the player wiped them out at the Prison after securing peace treaty.
Endgame: Bridewell now has the correct amount of MAXCON.
Endgame: Gave Matthias radio call a portrait and name.
Salt Lake Park: Moved the FOW revealer up a bit to reveal better in the third badger cave.
Salt Lake Park: Description in text now matches graphics better.
Salt Lake Park: Player now gets a guaranteed large Scrap reward for finding the locked stash.
Salt Lake Park: Added Demolitions to booby trapped stuff.
Salt Lake Park: Fixed issue where looting the hidden loot room would do the same at Long Beach.
Long Beach: Player now gets a guaranteed large Scrap reward for finding the locked stash.
Cerritos: Made Evolved guards walk more straight in line.
Cerritos: Fixed duplicate reward issue with the Old Farm Woman.
Cerritos: Fixed Brother James setting wrong faction hate.
Long Beach: Old Man now correctly points out that Seal Beach is to the east, not west.
Long Beach: Fixed issue where looting the hidden loot room would do the same at Salt Lake Park.
Los Alamitos: Dekkar now reacts correctly if you Animal Whisper his dog.
Los Alamitos: Fixed some logic bugs with Dekkar and his dog.
Los Alamitos: Fixed broken logbook entries.
Los Alamitos: Changed text for logbook entries to reflect “finding and retrieving” the dog instead of just “finding”.
Los Alamitos: Fixed Dekkar’s portrait to better match his description.
Los Alamitos: Made sure Dekkar can be spoken to after returning his dog.
Los Angeles Aqueduct: Converted all factions to neutral in order to fix faction anger issues when players killed a ton of innocents.
Los Angeles Aqueduct: Fixed flickering trash piles.
Culver City Brothel: Fixed a fog of war issue where fog was appearing after fog was already revealed.
Redondo Beach: Fixed reference to “Simm’s eye” in notification when giving statue to Bob.
Whittier: Removed 2 synths from the battle and moved a few other back a bit to give the player a bit more space before the ambush.
Whittier: Added more cover.
Whittier: Cutscene now no longer triggers immediately so the player can leave before the ambush occurs and save prior to it.
Clerc Shrine: Fixed dual shadows in some places.
Chia Shrine: Fixed navmesh issue.
California World Map: Unset flags that say you’ve visited Seal Beach Underground to fix issues where you can skip to the Underground, even though you finished the Matthias quest. This should prevent a potential (but extremely rare) game-breaking issue.
California World Map: Fixed a rare issue wherein Woodson’s radio call failed to trigger if the player quicksaved right as the call started.
California World Map: Moved location of the “Wastelanders having a BBQ” encounter away from starting zones.
California Random Encounter Map 3: Added wall cover to the tank prop.
California Random Encounter Map 4: Added missing bridge to this map.
California Random Encounter Map 5: Added big ass waterfall sound effect.
California Random Encounter Map 6: Fixed camera being blocked.
California Random Encounter Maps: Fixed hacking one of Dugan’s Worker Bots in a random encounter causing one to still be hacked in subsequent encounters with Dugan’s Worker Bots.
Multitudinous spelling, grammar, consistency and spacing fixes.
Multitudinous fixes to inaccurate descriptions of locations in text log (such as Salt Lake Park).
Correctly capitalized names of generic cows and chickens.
Fixed too many *s in string “<@>**mmmff*** **ggrrrggglll** that were causing problems.
Added Jason Dora to the credits as a Web Developer, for his excellent development of webs.
Updated all localizations.
Fixed bug with localized keywords not appearing as buttons because they’ve translated two different English keywords to the same localized word. This should prevent some rare missing keyword issues.
Updated Korean font choice and kerning improvements.
Changed handling of mismatched starred keywords in translations to show more information and still put up the keywords (just in English). This is a fallback that is being added to prevent missing keyword issues if they occur before our localization teams can fix them.
Fix to allow English typo fixes to stars on starred keywords to work. Used to just use the key string, now gets English translation for key string (if any).
For mismatched starred keywords in translations, no longer show the partially keyworded translation if it had no starred words.
Epilogue (Spoilers)
Pistol Pete will no longer show up in places if you’ve sacrificed him or blown him up at the end.
Should no longer mention Pistol Pete if you haven’t met him.
Choosing to blow the nuke and kill everyone should no longer include CNPCs that did not make it with you to the very end.
Followers should now have checks if the Rangers killed them as opposed to them dying in battle to prevent epilogues showing up for them if the player killed them.
Added some additional epilogue backgrounds.
Rail Nomads Camp: Added alternate ending for killing both Kekkahbah and Casey.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed logic issue with Topekans winning.
Rail Nomads Camp: Added alternate ending for giving the golden spike to Casey.
Prison: Signing the peace treaty with Danforth is now reflected properly.
Temple of Titan: Added alternate ending text for putting the DBM in charge but disarming the nuke.
Damonta: The epilogue was given logic to check if you’ve never met Clyde in order to fix any saves that may have been broken.
Damonta: Now correctly handles Rick Baychowski’s death so he doesn’t appear in the epilogue if he’s dead.
Damonta: Ending for Hopi and Magee was added if they died in battle.
Arizona: Should no longer mention Infected Village/Pump Station/Farm if you’ve not unlocked any of them.
Rodia: Lying to Dr. Horchata about dropping the disinfectant in the well is now handled appropriately.
Rodia: Dante and Virgil should no longer be mentioned if you’ve never met them.
Rodia: Removed “to the Leather Jerks” from a few text entries to clear up confusion if you’ve defeated them.
Angel Oracle: Ending for Angel Oracle was added if you didn’t give a hostage for Fletcher.
Hollywood: Ma Brown is not mentioned anymore if you’ve killed her.
Hollywood: Fixed Ma Brown’s quest not showing an epilogue if resolved.
Hollywood: Should no longer mention Ma Brown if you haven’t met her.
Hollywood: Heidi is no longer mentioned if she’s been killed
Hollywood: Fixed some logic errors with Flo in Hollywood.
Hollywood: Added epilogue text for Flo.
Hollywood: Should no longer mention Raji if you haven’t met him.
Griffith Park: Ending for Griffith was added if you abandoned the Ascension McDade quest completely.
Endgame: Added endings for Kekkahbah and Casey dying in the end battle.
Endgame: Ending for Vargas was added if he died in battle at the end.
Wasteland 2 patch 2 is live on Steam! We will be deploying to other platforms shortly (GOG.com, Glyph, Origin) as their staff prepare and distribute the update.
— Large amount of memory optimizations, particularly with audio, to improve performance and stability on lower-spec systems and 32-bit operating systems.
— Fixed enemy “unlimited AP” movement bug that allowed them to sometimes move much farther than intended.
— Extensive improvements and fixes to California questlines, particularly in Hollywood and Griffith Park. May require you to load an older save file before Hollywood to fully benefit.
— Added a travel speed toggle to the world map, allowing you to zip and zoom around if you so please (doesn’t affect encounters, only travel speed).
— Added a new UI when CNPCs are recruited. This lets you more easily compare their stats and choose to dismiss one when a new one offers to join.
— Custom portraits will now work correctly when Windows account username contains non-English characters.
— Added support for “Very Large” text.
— Added 50 messages to load screens containing gameplay hints and tips.
— Loading now continues when the game is tabbed out, and pauses after finishing.
— Further UI fixes and improvements, such as new and correctly used icons.
— Many localization updates and bug fixes across all languages.
— Capped move towards target for ranged AI by maximum movement range (this prevents enemies from moving too far in combat).
— Added a travel speed toggle on the world map. This new feature allows you to travel at approximately double speed to save time if you want to rush around the wasteland.
— Fix to prevent force attack from breaking when switching between normal and AoE weapons.
— Dismissing a CNPC via the character info menu will now transfer their inventory items to the party.
— Camera should now respect height field in combat to prevent “dips” and other issues when moving it around.
— Meson Cannon attack comes from the center of it, so you can’t hide under its barrel anymore.
— Fixed computers to not be active at start to prevent farming experience.
— Fixed some turning/facing oddities and bugs in combat.
— Lowered weight of rad suits to 1.0.
— Added camera pause when an NPC dies in combat.
— Added a new status effect for when you Animal Whisper a possum.
— It should no longer be possible to use Weaponsmithing before committing points in the skill.
— Adjusted tier 3 weapon drops to not have Meson Cannon drop at a higher rate than is intended.
— Fixed issue where some high level guards had too high of a critical hit chance.
— The encumbered status effect indicator will now be updated correctly if encumbrance is caused by a status effect that ends.
— Fixed improperly trying to unequip the primary weapon twice when being disarmed.
— Pain Relievers rank 3-6 take 4 AP to use now.
— Made Ag Center enemies immune to the Pod Infection.
— Removing a high capacity magazine now resets ammo count properly.
— Prevented suicide monks from exploding after a critical hit but not taking any damage. Would result in the enemy exploding in a giant explosion but still being alive.
— Set description of radiation suits level 3-6 to the display name.
— Now only teleport unconscious player characters to a combat square at the start of combat if they’re in the same combat bounds.
User Interface
— Added 50 new loading screen tooltips (some languages may not be supported yet).
— Added support for “Very Large” text.
— Added a new UI when CNPCs are recruited. This lets you more easily compare their stats and choose to dismiss one when a new one offers to join.
— Switching characters with the right/middle mouse button while dragging an item will now cancel the current drag.
— Dropping an item on the “junk” tab should no longer leave the item floating attached to the button.
— The HUD should work correctly at 4K resolution.
— The inventory should once again use position data.
— Made the options menu taller. More options at once! How could you not want that?
— AoE weapon ranges should now be displayed correctly in the item info menu.
— Equipped items will never show up in the inventory regardless of registry settings.
— Equipped items will never show up in the trade screen.
— Changed main menu buttons so that their colliders match the text. This helps prevent misclicks when starting the game and clicking through the movies quickly.
— Fixed low resolution character portraits in character creation.
— Custom portraits should load at full resolution again.
— Pressing the enter/return key on the load screen will now attempt to load the last selected saved game, or the last hovered saved game if none has been selected.
— Added bounds checking for the inventory grid.
— Permanent corpses with lootable items now display the loot cursor.
— Status effect tooltips should be resized correctly at different resolutions.
— Fixed sprite positioning on loot menus.
— Spamming the spacebar on the popup inventory menu should no longer result in a null reference exception.
— Skill points counter in character screen will no longer blink if there are no points available.
— Local map merchant icons should no longer be rotated.
— Inventory items should no longer be sized incorrectly when they are equipped, then dragged back to the inventory, then dragged to an invalid container.
— Slightly rearranged the combat initiative display to avoid overlap.
— Text tooltips should now resize correctly regardless of resolution.
— Added tooltips to the radio buttons.
— Tooltip now shows stat values for party as well as enemies.
— CNPC-owned items can no longer be sold via the “Sell All Junk” button.
— The Burning status effect will now use the burn icon.
— Improved the Leg Wound icon.
— Improved the Blood Loss icon.
— The range info area of the item info menu will now appear just below the description label.
— Switching character gender will now change the character to a default portrait.
— The world map HUD will no longer accept keyboard input while loading.
— Updated the Point of Interest component on all the companion prefabs so they’ll show up in the scene map.
— Fix bug with radio conversation calling EndRadioCommunication() prematurely allowing the next call to start before conversation ended and leaving the player locked in the conversation UI.
— Added Ranger name tooltips to inventory and trade portrait buttons.
— Enemy mouseover tooltips should now be correctly updated when keybindings change.
— The world map Point of Interest popup background should now correctly resize at different aspect ratios.
— The dismiss button in the character info menu is now disabled for unconscious CNPCs.
— Added another check to prevent dead NPCs from displaying the cover icon.
— Added or adjusted attachment points for underbarrel laser mod for some energy weapons and revolvers.
— Tutorial messages are now hidden during cutscenes.
— Pulled some shenanigans with junk flagging to make junk items appear (or not) usefully in the vendor screen.
— Fixed negative number printing when item is removed from player’s inventory.
— The current player character of a hotkey button is now controlled by the hotkey bar.
— Custom portraits will now work correctly when Windows account username contains non-English characters.
— The game will now load levels when focus is lost, and pause correctly after loading. This lets you tab out of the game during loading and tab back when finished.
— Audio is no longer stored in a scene file to help reduce memory use.
— Deleted unused motion blur plugin.
— The game will no longer automatically take a picture of a new character during character creation.
— Chisel’s Pickles are no longer flagged as partyNoDrop. This should prevent them from being incorrectly transferred to the party when he is removed.
— Gibbed NPCs don’t re-appear when returning to them from fog of war.
— Moved radio calls into their own audio controller.
— Fixed a portrait bug on OpenGL.
— Removed unused projector textures from world maps (saves about 100 MB).
— Set HUD, conversation and radio sounds to 80 kbps to reduce memory use.
— Set ambient sounds to 96 kbps to reduce memory use.
— World map pop up panels died too soon, taking some sound effects with them. Those sound effects have been moved to a longer-lived parent transform to prevent them from ending prematurely.
— Several UI sounds weren’t properly flagged as 2D. They are now!
— Optimized dressing room (the character paperdoll scene in character creation/inventory) a bit.
— Improved settings for the terrain on both Arizona and California. Should provide less texture popping at the cost of performance.
— Fixed memory leaks with speech bubbles.
— Can no longer spam quickload on world map.
— The player should no longer be able to open the character info screen while combat is starting.
— Fixed up progress bar tick tooltips a bit.
— Added SickDog_AliveLoop to AC_FeralDog, and added logic for dogs to switch between them.
— Fixed close sound effect bad timing on inventory window.
— Adjusted SSAO settings to be slightly better performing.
— Kathy Lawson now sounds like a female when she dies.
— Removed a bad sound from the UI.
— Clothing items had no sound category assigned; fixed.
— Unified sound effects on item move in trade screen.
— Pause menu close sound effect was childed to the pause window when it closed, killing it before it could play. Gave it a better parent.
— Improved sounds for the new world map movement buttons.
— Fixed inventory and navigation button hover sounds on world map interface.
— Adjusted headshot UI hover sound to be in line with others on the UI.
— We now play a sound effect when function/F keys are used during conversations.
— Usable skill items should now be usable on self if the player character has the associated status effect.
— Fixed sun bias setting that was causing shadows on characters to be separated.
— Fixed grenade having a white graphics artifact on it when equipped to a Ranger.
— Adjustment to camera position during transitions.
— Ranger Citadel: Adjusted lighting to improve performance in the Citadel interior.
— Ranger Citadel: Smudged out some fog of war blockers in the map so they don’t block anymore.
— Ranger Citadel: Trying to sell junk to Dr. Tidemann in Ranger Citadel will no longer result in message spam.
— Ranger Citadel: Vargas cutscene will not play if attacking Mercaptain.
— Ranger Citadel: Fixed an issue wherein Rose complained about betraying Jan even though she was dead.
— Ranger Citadel: Fixed an issue wherein Vargas did not correctly acknowledge the state of the Highpool irrigation system.
— Ranger Citadel: Angela should properly disappear after leaving the party in the Canyon.
— Ranger Citadel: Fixed a very rare blocker bug preventing the player from traveling to California, which occurred when the player’s party was too far away from Vargas while he walked to the helicopter.
— Highpool: Changed Bryan to Mark in a logbook entry to correctly reflect his new name.
— Highpool: Added additional logbook entry for Jess-Belle quest.
— Highpool: Quest to help Jess-Belle now resolves if the tunnels flood prior to obtaining her dowry.
— Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein Jess-Belle would add empty logbook entries.
— Highpool: Irrigation logbook entry now resolves if the underground pipes burst.
— Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein a conversation would start with Bergin even though he was not visible.
— Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein Vargas would speak to a deceased Kathy Lawson.
— Highpool: Will now reverts to the destroyed state if Jackhammer is not dealt with prior to leaving.
— Highpool: The automatic conversation with Bergin upon exiting the crane will not occur if the pipes quest has been failed.
— Highpool: House on fire logbook entries now resolve if the pipe system fails.
— Highpool: Fixed Vulture’s Cry not joining the party after using Kate’s key.
— Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein PoleAxe did not play his death animation if 1-shot by a rocket.
— Highpool: Destroyed version didn’t have level music set, so it was retaining the loading level music and then losing music after combat ended since it didn’t know what to replace it with. Fixed so now music plays correctly.
— Highpool: Kate will now resume walking to the mayor’s office following a save/load.
— Ag Center: Fixed an issue wherein Julio would not acknowledge the rangers if they Animal Whispered all three rabbits attacking him.
— Ag Center: Fixed a chest that was intangible upon using Brute Force.
— Ag Center: Added vine blocker sounds to obstruction in Central Basement.
— Ag Center: “Mushroom Caves” will no longer appear as a keyword.
— Ag Center: Fixed a bug where the wrong logbook entry was used when Ag Center was saved after visiting destroyed Highpool.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Injured Topekan will now be found by Topekan patrols if the Rangers visit the Atchison camp and give Casey the Golden Spike.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Gorkinovich no longer says Sammy Haas is in the bar after he’s gone.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Rail Thief quest now resolves if Kekkahbah is unwilling to talk.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Prevented Ralphy from going into cutscene if he is encumbered.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Elder Cole did not join in combat alongside Mrs. Parker.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Added new art for V-8 Interceptor.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Added skill check when examining V-8 Interceptor.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed a cutscene lock up issue with Ralphy and Jessie if Ralphy was unconscious.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed bug where Gorkinovich had 8 blunt weapons for sale instead of 1.
— Prison: Fixed a collider not allowing clicking on a grid space in combat.
Prison: Baychowski will no longer show up if you haven’t attached at least one Repeater Unit in the game.
— Prison: Fixed some nav grid issues.
— Prison: Added higher-resolution normal maps that look less blotchy.
— Canyon of Titan: Removed mesh renderers and mesh filters from colliders that aren’t needed. Removed colliders from similar objects that also aren’t needed. Set many material colliders to static.
— Canyon of Titan: Added bark timer delay to Brother Chavez to prevent barks from appearing when they shouldn’t.
— Canyon of Titan: Put a couple camera focus calls for the Bridewell scene where she shoots Brother Shapiro.
— Canyon of Titan: Gave Jill Yates a more appropriate portrait.
— Canyon of Titan: Barrels near some honey badgers now can be used as cover.
— Canyon of Titan: Swapped out some fire effects around the level.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed an issue wherein you could only purchase items from Dale once.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed an issue wherein DBM Grunt would not resume his idle animation after the Rangers open the gate leading into the Temple.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed typo in Dr. Sidney Kyle’s dialog.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed some storage chests in the hospital pointing the wrong direction.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed broken keywords with Father Enola in the Temple jail.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed fog of war map by clearing rooms with pillar issues.
— Temple of Titan: Moved start point back to entrance area.
— Temple of Titan: Bridewell now uses the correct sex/equipment/AI template.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed drama bug where $Intro was being set as the new keyword label each time when you talked to one of your CNPCs near Dan Q.
— Damonta: Werewolf Wally should now always drop his key to the gate nearby when he dies.
— Damonta: Red shouldn’t accuse you of harming Rick unless you did.
— Damonta: Rick shouldn’t be described as being freed from the brig unless you did it.
— Damonta: Fixed typo when talking to Hopi.
— Damonta: Rick is a coward, so when combat was ordered, he effectively declined to get into the fight. Modified his script so he won’t be a coward for the Damonta fight.
— Damonta: Fixed an issue wherein Rick Baychowski was visible simultaneously in the brig.
— Damonta: Fixed area transition globes.
— Damonta: Binh’s Basket shouldn’t reappear on successive loads.
— Damonta: Now uses the Arizona loading screen.
— Damonta: Added a display name for the plane cockpit door.
— Damonta: Added some checks to prevent a door barking when Rick is dead.
— Damonta: Switched out some fire effects around the level.
— Wrecking Crew Stronghold: Fixed a bad nav grid causing enemies to clip through a bridge.
— Darwin’s Village: Jan no longer starts conversation with you if she hates you; added text to explain this better.
— Darwin’s Village: Fixed crazy issue where Pizepi Joren wouldn’t show up if the plague status effect was removed after a flag to make her visible again was set.
— Darwin’s Village: Changed the glass rooms to not look as bad.
— Darwin’s Village: Increased the resolution of the brick normal maps
— Darwin’s Village: Smudged out areas on the fog of war map to reveal because you can see through them anyways.
— Infected Village: Added barks to NPCs after they are released from the jail.
— Abandoned Railway: Now uses Arizona loading screen.
— Genache Mysterious Shrine: Added computer display name and portrait.
— World Map: Quarex radio call will no longer trigger if Quarex has recieved the CDi. Sorry Quarex!
— World Map: Added Provost voice over to his radio message.
— Arizona Random Map 3: Lowered building that was blocking the camera.
— Added descriptors and logbook resolutions for investigating Team Foxtrot and the threat.
— Santa Fe Springs: Reduced oversized textures.
— Santa Fe Springs: Added missing steam vent sounds.
— Santa Fe Springs: Fixed an issue wherein the Rangers are snapped outside of the radio room during combat.
— Rodia: Changed log book entries to be written with “we” and “us” instead of “you”.
— Rodia: Logbook entries for warning Dante have been updated to reflect when Dengler shows up at his house.
— Rodia: Fixed examine text for certain objects in the distillery.
— Rodia: Fixed a typo for “withdrink” when speaking to Dengler.
— Rodia: Added more descriptions for the sewer pipe and the ladder that leads to the surface.
— Rodia: Changed the graphic for the sewer pipe to reflect locked and unlocked states.
— Rodia: Added ability to Brute Force sewer pipe.
— Rodia: Removed ability to unlock sewer pipe from inside the sewer and added a description to clarify why.
— Rodia: Fixed a rogue cash register in the hospital.
— Rodia: Added in fix for broken microscope quest. Should work with old saves that were broken.
— Rodia: Keywords for Dante no longer show up if Beatrice is locked in his shed. This prevents battle cutscenes from playing when they shouldn’t.
— Rodia: Added in new logbook details for when Patt the Axe and Ulric are killed.
— Rodia: Added disinfectant to the well after telling Horchata that you did will now show a different logbook entry that doesn’t mention talking to Horchata.
— Rodia: Fixed typo in one of the mayor’s guards.
— Rodia: Added new logbook entry for killing Satan before finding out who he was.
— Angel Oracle: Can now correctly put the radio parts back in the radio receiver following a save/load.
— Angel Oracle: Added backwards compatibility fix for Rangers that stole the radio parts before key radio calls were triggered.
— Angel Oracle: Mr. Manners will now allow the Rangers into the radio room even if the radio parts have been rudely stolen.
— Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein talking to Dr. Edwinson did not progress the Blisterpaw Cure quest. It will now be possible to continue the quest by speaking to Edwinson or Horchata.
— Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the execution could not be resumed after leaving the Oracle (after interrupting Mr. Manners twice).
— Angel Oracle: Fog of war will clear near the commons during the execution sequence.
— Angel Oracle: Glenn Goa no longer barks if the radio is hacked after the Repeater Units have been installed.
— Angel Oracle: Added Lockpick option to explosive crates.
— Angel Oracle: Fixed missing audio controller name.
— Hollywood: Fixed a bug that allowed players to repeatedly turn in a quest with Raji.
— Hollywood: Fixed missing examine text on Rambeau’s shop door.
— Hollywood: Matthias will now give the Rangers level 6 rad suits to better aid in his quest.
— Hollywood: Fixed Broken Man quest not resolving properly.
— Hollywood: Fixed Heidi being killed by pigs during the cemetery encounter (she now always escapes properly).
— Hollywood: Fixed Heidi showing up in her Hideaway after being killed by said pigs.
— Hollywood: After betraying Veronica, the player can no longer persuade characters to vote for her.
— Hollywood: Fixed Ma Brown quest not getting closed out if you killed her.
— Hollywood: Fixed Manny not taking the chip suitcase for his quest.
— Hollywood: Billy now has 12,000 Scrap in his inventory after giving it to him.
— Hollywood: Ratboy’s “All Items” trade tab should actually show all items correctly.
— Hollywood: Fixed flickering rug in Rambeau’s shop.
— Hollywood: Fixed Heidi describing Veronica positively after she fires her.
— Hollywood: Fixed Heidi’s quest being updated with a useless logbook entry.
— Hollywood: Fixed Flo not voting for Veronica after Schwag’s dead.
— Hollywood Sewers: Fixed Sensuari not appearing correctly in salt lab.
— Hollywood Sewers: Fixed cutscene with Heidi and Sensuari playing when it shouldn’t.
— Griffith Park: Fixed McDade’s two quests conflicting in a cut scene.
— Griffith Park: Added text so hostile NPCs after McDade takes over make more sense.
— Griffith Park: Correctly disabled a spawner for Heidi that was a causing her to reappear even after being killed.
— Griffith Park: Fixed one of McDade’s lines.
— Griffith Park: Fixed an issue with McDade hiding too soon.
— Griffith Park: Added journal entry for Veronica and McDade’s peace treaty quest.
— Griffith Park: Fixed a logbook entry being updated after the quest was over, leading to confusion.
— Griffith Park: Fixed quest to retake the Bastion not updating correctly when McDade and Veronica are killed.
— Griffith Park: Meson Cannon will now be set to friendly after siding with Retribution Jones. Previously it was still hostile.
— Griffith Park: Made killing Jones after he takes control of Griffith/Hollywood make more sense via some new text.
— Griffith Park: Fixed up Retribution Jones’ examination/description to be less confusing.
— Griffith Park: Fix for not being able to identify the Broken Man correctly if the player put him in charge before talking to Veronica.
— Griffith Park: Fixed Heidi disappearing in the cemetery if McDade was put in charge — should have only happened if Jones was in charge.
— Griffith Park: Prevented a bug allowing players to get the same quest reward from Retribution Jones multiple times.
— Griffith Park: Fixed barks appearing during cutscenes.
— Griffith Park: Fixed Veronica’s quest not closing out once Jones took over.
— Griffith Park: Fixed Billy quest ending if Lam was dead.
— Griffith Park: Fixed a bug with Jones’ knights not joining combat when they should have been.
— Griffith Park: Fixed McDade barking when he shouldn’t after Jones is killed.
— Seal Beach: Added descriptors to Seal Beach computer access doors.
— Seal Beach: Added a fog of war revealer to prevent breaking line of sight exploit when in cover during a certain fight.
— Seal Beach Underground: Fixed an issue allowing player to unintentionally bypass an important combat encounter.
— Seal Beach Underground: Fixed some fog of war issues.
— Endgame: Fixed an issue with cover on a wall.
— Endgame: Removed excess audio controllers.
— Long Beach: Revealing Seal Beach will not happen twice now in conversation.
— Culver City Brothel: Fixed player being able to walk through a wrecked car.
— World Map: Fletcher’s Hideout and L.A. Aqueduct will now remain visible on the world map.
— Clerc Shrine: Rebuilt navmesh because height mesh was not turned on, so the Rangers were floating.
— Localization updates across all languages.
— Skill item tooltip instructions (i.e. “Right-click to use”) should now be capitalized correctly.
— Fix to correctly handle naked keyword (no <>) with label assignment, e.g. “Goodbye=Out”, so that it generates “Out” for the English text instead of “Goodbye=Out”.
— Changed “Ranger” to “Party Member” for Speaker Name of cmd.sayRanger.
— Additional improvements for localization output so additional strings can be properly localized.
— Updated fonts to include Korean character sets.
— Removed specific Korean font that was no longer used.
— Fixed bug that removed speaker name for party members.
— Cleared the PRETRANSLATED_MARK from keybinding display text.
— Changed the ammo display name setup to use localization-friendly TextBuilder.
— Removed erroneous localization tags (!<@>) from a number of strings.
— Added a real line for Lexcanium’s rejoin.
— Added a less insulting snarky message when setting off a perceived trap.
— Fixed misspelling of “Tooltip”.
— Fixed misspelling of “HoneyDew Lewis”.
— Fixed several instances of “desert Rangers” vs. “Desert Rangers”.
— Fixed Empty Sludge Container grammatical issue.
— Fixed “ordinance” -> “ordnance” typo.
— Fixed missing space in various “PoleAxe” strings.
— Fixed “Cannibal” -> “Cannibals” typo.
— Fixed missing word in several copies of a string, making it the same as another correct existing string, so no new string generated.
— CNPCs should now correctly have text in the epilogue when they sacrifice themselves.
— Added an epilogue for Hopi/Magee in Damonta.
— Fixed some names of locations for epilogue.
— Fixed logic issue with Rodia if you killed Virgil and he’s mentioned in the epilogue.
У маджесты объем двигателя в 2 раза больше чем у калдоса и если там не топить, то будет то, что ты описал.
+ Я не уверен, что водила разогнавшись до 100 отпустил тапку или не давил газу (предполагаю в таком состоянии присуща агрессивная езда)
++ Шум резины по влажной дороге и работа 2л двигателя отчетливо слышна ночью! (полагаю ДТП было ночью, когда автомобилей мало на дороге)
ps нисколько не оправдываю водителя.
Уважаемый, вы определитесь, вы руководствуетесь правилами, или «а вот детям в школе понятно...».
А по факту, оперируя ПДД, аргументируйте почему автомобиль со спецсигналом был прав, а не фразами, типа «это должно быть всем понятно...»
На*уй тогда ПДД! Я тебя правильно понял?
Я тебе привел один из пункта правил, согласно которым все ездят.
Ты можешь аргументировать свои высказывания или все твои аргументы это — «а вот детям в школе понятно...»
Уважаемый, вы не поняли.
Предположим в черном универсале не дай б? г ваши близкие, знакомые. Все оканчивается как в ролике, но только с летальным исходом. Вы будете уверены, что сотрудники были правы? И так и должно быть? ( Ну, согласно вашему желаемому закону)
Я вас правильно понял?
Как вы зае? али.
Читайте текст. Сотрудники МЧС летя на такой скорости убедились, что им уступают дорогу? По итогу ДТП оказалось, что нет! Как вам еще этот пункт пдд объяснить я не знаю. Для начала на этом участке они могли бы снизить скорость и потерять 15 секунд. А так потеряли весь выезд.
Ты знаешь как ситуация там сложилась наверное?
Не пропускали скорую, речь, очевидно, идет о пробке в которой скорее всего никто не дал коридор скорой. Ситуация совсем другая и мусолить ее не собираюсь т.к. нет фактов, а здесь видео, что да как. Включайте мозги. Зае*али!
Согласно разделу 3 ПДД РФ:
3.1. Водители транспортных средств с включенным проблесковым маячком синего цвета, выполняя неотложное служебное задание, могут отступать от требований разделов 6 (кроме сигналов регулировщика) и 8 — 18 настоящих Правил, приложений 1 и 2 к настоящим Правилам при условии обеспечения безопасности движения.
Для получения преимущества перед другими участниками движения водители таких транспортных средств должны включить проблесковый маячок синего цвета и специальный звуковой сигнал. Воспользоваться приоритетом они могут только убедившись, что им уступают дорогу.
Во-первых, гражданин, я тебе не грубил.
Во-вторых, пару ситуаций я описАл выше, и если ты не отвлекаешься на такие вещи и _НИКОГДА_ не отвлекаешься на дороге, то наверное ты самый уникальный, блять, человек на планете. Про человеческий фактор слышал, школьник?
И да, невнимательность универсала, не оправдывает водителя камаза.
Т.е. вы исключаете варианты: например ребенок резко вскрикнул на заднем сиденье, гудок другого автомобиля, даже, блять, соринка в глаз если попала, этого достаточно, чтобы отвлечься на мгновение и получить «привет» в бочину?
Я правильно вас понял?
Вы наверное сидели в салоне и знаете как было на самом деле, да? По факту считаю можно привести достаточно вариантов помимо музыки, чтобы отвлечься от ситуации на дороге.
Вы пи*дец. «Права купили, а ездить не купили?»
Все бочку катите на легковой автомобиль, а то, что по ПДД авто со спецсигналами имеет преимущество лишь убедившись, что ему уступают все видимо забыли? Понятно, что на практике все по разному у нас, однако заявлять, что черный автомобиль неправ… я хз.
Балалайку… через пол-месяца уже 150 евро и и 10кг (про вес точно не помню, но и его порезали), но можно заказывать неограниченное количество вещей в месяц.
Та же фигня, только получать начал месяца 2 назад.
Однако один из пунктов одн у меня перерасчет в сторону водоканала или теплосети (т.е. 0), не помню кого именно.
Не могу утверждать, что эта клиника «говно...». Однако делал почти треть зубов у них, всегда с наркозом, отношение врача к клиенту неплохое, да и хорошо сделали, не могу пожаловаться.
Для сравнения это же лечение в городской весьма дискомфортнее.
Пешеходы, вы пи*дец, чесслово.
Да, долбо*бов за рулем масса, да ездят как мудаки и мешают своим же на дороге.
Но вы то, как человек адекватный, должны понимать чем может закончиться переход в неположенном месте, или даже на пешеходном переходе. (вас тоже хватает, которые по сторонам не смотрят, а тупо идут вперед)
Вы же понимаете, что не стоит лезть руками в оголенные провода под напряжением, так почему например при гололеде перебегаете дорогу? (исключаем детей, это люди, которые учатся, порой на своих ошибках)
Принципиальное нежелание уступить «тому мудаку на ведре с болтами» и не взвесить реальные последствия?
Вот и прилетел «квиток»...180р. вынь, да положь…
Мало того что по 1к рубля за содержание и ремонт сдирают и не могут уже год прибить лист жести который при ветре в стену долбит (мол вышек нет), так теперь и это.
Когда подписывал петицию, дохрена было с Магадана отзывов.
Сам текст написан дошкольником каким то.
Журнализд сначала пишет, что цены упали в два раза, а потом, мол, «должна была осуществлять только «ВИМ-авиа» — цены на полеты в Москву и обратно резко выросли с 32 тысяч до 62 тысяч рублей.»
И так весь текст. Че за *уйня ???
Note: as usual, GOG.com and other platforms may be a little bit later in releasing the update as their teams prep it. Steam users can download the patch right now.
Added Steam Achievements! Collect them all, if you dare. These are currently only in for Windows. Steam Achievements should be backwards compatible for many (but not all) save files, so players will receive achievements automatically by loading up their save files.
Added and improved epilogue text to fix bugs and add more details that were previously missing.
Added colorblind mode! Activate it in the Display Options menu. This mode changes certain HUD element colors, primarily in combat, to be easier to discern for people with colorblindness.
Added a new brightness/saturation calibration screen to get the game looking as good as it should on a display near you.
Characters are now automatically exported at the end of the game. Veteran characters will now be noted as such in character creation.
Further improvements to Text Size setting so it now affects much more text across the interface. This will help out players who are visually impaired, or who play on high-DPI displays, or TVs.
Added an option to show/hide selection circles on the party, for those who would prefer them off.
Continued cleanup of bugs and issues, especially in California.
Characters are now automatically exported at the end of the game. Veteran characters will now be noted as such in character creation. This lets you reuse them in new games.
Changed name of SAW machine gun to Death Sifter.
Fixed leaving specific random encounters putting the party in the wrong location on the World Map.
It is no longer possible to drop items on the World Map.
Bug fix for rare circumstance where the combat grid doesn’t get close enough to a pickup item to loot it.
Greatly reduced the combat movement speed penalty for the Army Issue Backpack trinket to be more in line with the bonuses it provides.
«Shit» items are no longer labeled as junk to prevent players accidentally selling them when they’re needed for TNT Tan’s quest.
Zeolite and Cat Litter are now stackable.
Fixed Gary Wolfe having wrong ammo type.
Can no longer use Weaponsmithing on the Gold-Plated Derringer (stops player from stripping it for parts and locking them out of Jess-Belle’s quest).
LAW-wielding nuns now drop LAWs instead of RPG-7s.
Added better loot to the Angel Oracle armory.
Reduced the weight of Energy Cells by half.
Corrected the Leadership hit chance bonus.
Using a code to unlock an electronic lock should now give an XP reward relative to the task’s difficulty, so you are no longer discouraged from using a code if you have one.
Greatly increased amount of XP from killing Night Terror.
Increased value of Hoblets’ Problem Solver.
It should no longer be possible to dismiss unconscious CNPCs when asking another CNPC to join.
Increased weight of .50 cal ammo.
Arizona World Map: Upped random encounter merchant chance from 5% to 25%.
Fixed removing followers with script not removing status effects properly.
Provost should no longer hate you in California if he hated you in Arizona. He should also be keeping track of his death flag now, which before he was not.
User Interface
Added colorblind mode. Activate it in the Display Options menu. This mode changes certain HUD element colors to be easier to discern for people with colorblindness.
Added a brightness/saturation calibration menu. This will let you calibrate the game ideally for your display.
Improved Text Size so that it affects a few straggling bits of the HUD it previously wasn’t. This should now cause just about every possible piece of text in the game to resize correctly depending on the setting.
Added “English (Subtitled)” to language drop-down menu which turns on English subtitles on the intro movie for our hearing-impaired friends.
Added an option to show/hide selection circles on party.
Updated HUD with new art from Maxx. Thanks Maxx!
Status effect tooltips should correctly display stat units (%, m., lbs., etc.).
Switching between characters in the inventory will no longer reset the item filter.
Item inventory position should now be retained between levels and loads.
Added support for Cyrillic characters to saved game names.
Double-clicking icons on the local map will now move the camera to the location of the associated object or mob.
It should now be possible to scroll via the keyboard in the World Map while the mouse cursor is over the HUD.
Fixed duplicating items by using them and them picking them up in the inventory.
The conversation stats should no longer wrap incorrectly.
Added tooltips to currency and carry weight labels in the inventory.
Conversation preview text should now resize with Text Size changes.
Fixed text tooltip wrapping. Again.
Another fix for incorrect text wrapping when changing resolution.
Very Large text should no longer cause save game entry dates to vanish.
Tutorial text should now be affected by the text size option.
The “Distribute All” button text should no longer vanish at Very Large text size.
TextResizers on inactive objects (like the conversation HUD) should respond correctly if Text Size is changed before they are started.
Longer epilogue text should now fit on the screen.
Eliminated the goofy inventory item pop to (0, 0) when repositioning.
Right-clicking an item while dragging a different item should no longer result in an incorrect tooltip.
Added some optimizations to the skill info panel.
Main Menu is now rebuilt when Texture Size is changed to prevent corrupt images from displaying.
Main Menu buttons should no longer wrap incorrectly after changing resolution.
Hotkey buttons should no longer be usable when it is an enemy’s turn in combat.
Skill item tooltip skill levels will now be taken from the selected character if one is not explicitly set.
The World Map water display should no longer be positioned incorrectly after refilling canteens after radio calls.
The World Map stop button will only stop and the resume button will only resume on the world map. They will no longer act as toggles.
Fixed an issue where factions can hate themselves. Also added fixes for saves where faction might have already hated themselves.
An extra health bar should no longer wind up stuck over the head of PCs who recover from unconsciousness.
Level transition confirmations will now only show up if there isn’t another menu open already.
Fixed language selection by index to work correctly (using the actual dropdown list of languages instead of the array of all languages).
Fixed a minor UI memory leak.
Loading a game that is in individual movement mode will no longer incorrectly highlight the entire party’s portraits.
Minor optimization for leadership tooltip.
Fixed text wrapping/overlap issues on several tooltips.
Camera settings should now be applied to the World Map camera.
Local maps should now be shrunk to fit within the bounds of the box if the level is rotated.
The Ambush and Meson Cannon Target icons should no longer overlap.
The conversation manual input panel should correctly activate at the beginning of a conversation.
Hid the inventory keybinding from the Control Options menu, since it’s basically the same as the character keybinding.
The inventory/character tooltip on the world map Geiger counter now shows “Character” and the current keybinding.
Added a new load screen tooltip discussing how to repair friendly robots.
Larger XP numbers on the character info screen should no longer be shrunk to the point of illegibility.
Added a single-frame delay between creation of character entries on the character creation screen.
The default enemy portrait is now instantiated rather than being used straight from the resources directory.
Message menu titles should no longer wrap incorrectly.
Animal Whisperer status effect tooltips will no longer say that they can be removed with the appropriate item.
Replaced the red background on the combat initiative CON bars with black.
It should no longer be possible to save when returning to the main menu.
Tutorial buttons should no longer show up in the epilogue.
Item descriptions should no longer go off the end of the item info menu with Large or Very Large text.
Weapon range data should no longer wind up misaligned.
Extraneous ammo stats will no longer be displayed.
The item name should no longer overlap with the item weight on the item info menu.
Items should now be removed by instance instead of by name in the item dropoff menu.
Ammo info is now updated when a character’s inventory is modified.
The default Ranger star should be used correctly if a usable item has no specific use icon set.
Added the keypad Enter key as a default secondary binding for attack target.
Dragging and dropping ammo on an equipped weapon in the inventory will now reload the weapon.
Limited character creation names to 32 characters to prevent issues.
Ammo loaded into weapons is now counted in the total ammo count tooltip.
Moved the Free Aim icon on the weapon HUD to be a little farther from the edge.
Updated Dugan’s Worker Bot sound effects.
Made Dugan’s Worker Bot footsteps louder.
Fixed Safecracking sound effect not playing on success.
Fixed Griffith Park background music not looping correctly.
On World Map and Rookie difficulty, auto-healing should now only occur when a party member is injured (fixes healing sound playing all the time).
Cleaned up AudioController warnings.
Added a script event for screen resolution changes.
Removed Raw audio mode as further investigation revealed it to not be very usable for end users (primarily developer/debug option).
Commented out a bunch of spammy print statements.
Removed unneeded references to various atlases.
Pausing/unpausing the game during a cutscene should no longer incorrectly enable tutorials.
Changing the overall graphics quality should no longer change the brightness on the Main Menu.
Improved loading for radio messages to reduce stuttering.
Added color lookup tables for several Arizona levels.
Stored party templates are now cleaned up when new templates are created. This will prevent them from piling up in a scene when the game is saved.
Updated trap explosion sound effects.
Fixed combat music not playing if Music Volume is on 0 and combat is initiated, then Music Volume is increased.
Added some bird takeoff sound effects.
Perception radius visual effect is now local so it moves with the character while playing.
Moved several logbook sound effect transforms to longer-lived parents.
Reduced book name length in inventory to prevent it from being cut off.
Fixed loot HUD not producing a sound effect when opened and closed.
Made sure sound effects play when looting items using the “Distribute All” button.
Fixed an issue where breaking certain walls would not play the correct sound effect.
Added SoundCategories for Turrets and their weapons.
Save Game option lockout now disappears if you exit a level to prevent players from permanently losing save functionality.
Gary Wolfe is now called a “gunner” to better reflect his skills and equipment.
Party followers should no longer be sleep managed (deactivated) as it was causing some nasty bugs if they somehow managed to get outside the sleep radius.
The Mailinator now uses the correct weapon model.
Can no longer use Mechanical Repair on dead synths for free XP.
Can no longer use Computer Science on dead robots for free XP.
Fixed a null error with SynthTech_Drama in OnDestroy.
Straight-up disabled joystick input to prevent any sort of conflicts.
Added new Switch Fire mode sound effect.
Fixed suicide monk charge-up sound effect
The dressing room (inventory) camera should work correctly the first time the dressing room is opened.
Added sound effect when trinket items are equipped.
Correctly hooked up some sound effects for synths.
Put Vargas sound effects under the correct sound category to be affected by the Voice Volume slider.
Ranger Citadel: Added checks to prevent Vargas from barking if he’s dead.
Ranger Citadel: Adjusted rock materials and added color tables.
Ranger Citadel: Fixed issue causing party to clip through the bridge.
Ranger Citadel: Updated Wade Woodson’s MAXCON.
Ranger Citadel: Adjusted volume of cicada sound effect.
Ranger Citadel: Trade window no longer closes when giving shit to TNT Tan.
Ranger Citadel: Can no longer speak to the jailor if Baychowski is dead.
Ranger Citadel: Dr. Tidemann no longer heals the party if they’re at max health.
Ranger Citadel: Briefly delay the crow flyaway so it won’t happen until after intro movie ends.
Ag Center: Fixed portraits for Kathy Lawson.
Ag Center: It’s no longer possible to obtain radio parts from the satellite if the radio has been activated.
Ag Center: Fixed Pod People being able to get Pod Infection status… why they weren’t immune to their own disease, the world will never know.
Ag Center: Fixed an issue wherein vine blockers would explode every time the player entered proximity.
Ag Center: Fixed being able to avoid Patrick Larsen fight in the East Field by splitting party.
Ag Center: Adjusted color table for the Killing Fields.
Ag Center: Fixed unreachable safe in the corn maze.
Ag Center: Added portrait to DNA Sequencer in the Central Basement.
Ag Center: A vine victim now correctly has female description text instead of male.
Ag Center: Fixed Honeydew Lewis trying to take cover inside a vine cluster and becoming untargetable as a result.
Ag Center: Fixed a line of sight issue in combat from upper balcony in the Killing Fields.
Ag Center: Fixed an issue wherein Kathy would mention the satellite dish even though it had never been discussed.
Ag Center: Fixed order of logic in Matt’s transform after being shot.
Ag Center: Attacking Matt in the lab before turning in the fungicide will now make all appropriate parties hate you in the room and start combat.
Ag Center: Fans in Central Basement can no longer be turned on if they’re exploded.
Ag Center: Blood Staff toaster will now always appear in Central Basement.
Ag Center: Fixed pigeon coops not displaying examine cursor after being looted.
Ag Center: Fixed incorrect examine text on opened broken hatch airlock doors.
Ag Center: Added some missing fan sound effects in the Central Basement.
Ag Center Destroyed: Fixed an issue wherein the player was being told to go back to Ag Center when it became destroyed, even if they have already acquired radio data by activating the radio unit.
Ag Center Destroyed: Updated conversation to make it harder to miss a quest when talking to Kathy Lawson.
Ag Center Destroyed: Removed pickup cursor if radio tower can’t be looted.
Ag Center Destroyed: Radio calls from interacting with the radio console no longer occur if the radio was turned on prior to Ag Center becoming destroyed.
Ag Center Destroyed: Removed navmesh from Kathy Lawson’s viney tomb.
Highpool: Killing patients or Harold’s body guards in the town hall now makes the villagers angry.
Highpool: Wrecking Crew Stronghold quest now resolves if Mayor Preston has been killed.
Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein Bergin was not fading in smoothly when teleporting to the voting area.
Highpool: Tweaked lighting levels and added new color tables.
Highpool: Linked missing reference to Jess-Belle’s safe in Jess-Belle’s drama.
Highpool: Added a backwards compatibility fix to add missing Jess-Belle logbook entries if you Hard Assed the safe thugs.
Highpool: Added faction anger for Harold.
Highpool: Removed satellite dish to improve RV highlighting.
Highpool: Bergin now paths to his spot near the crane if the game is reloaded after the election concludes.
Highpool: Kate Preston evasion lowered. Increased damage taken from party.
Highpool: Wormy Jim no longer investigates sounds, to prevent him wandering.
Highpool Underground: Fixed an issue wherein Kate did not acknowledge the current state of the valve puzzle.
Highpool Underground: Removed the sentence “If you don’t get those valves closed [i]now[-], everything’s gonna blow!” from radio because the valves are supposed to be opened, not “closed”. Also adjusted text to match.
Highpool Destroyed: Removed examine collider from train tracks that was blocking movement in combat.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Ralphy would not react to Jessie being murdered in the playground by the Rangers.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein a cutscene would not end after encountering Pitbull.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein combat would lock up if the Rangers wiped out Kekkahbah with a rocket at the peace meeting with Casey.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein using the keyword “Leverage” in Kekkahbah’s conversation prevented the Rangers from continuing with the peace process.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein it was not possible to tell Kekkahbah about the rail thieves following the peace ceremony.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Jessie would bark after blowing up in the playground.
Rail Nomads Camp: Tweaked reverb for meeting hall.
Rail Nomads Camp: Slight improvement to Melissa’s suicide shot muzzle flash.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Chisel would not attempt to rejoin the Rangers if there was no room available.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Casey’s arm would regrow after he cut it off. It’s not radiation, folks.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Jessie would not leave her cell upon being freed if the Rangers had unlocked the cell prior to speaking with Kekkahbah.
Rail Nomads Camp: Added short bark if Ralphy is in the party when Kekkahbah threatens Jessie.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein an incorrect logbook entry was being added upon receiving Ace’s Log Book from Samuel Haas.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein it was possible to continue the peace process after giving Kekkahbah the Brake Shoe.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein combat failed to start if Samuel Haas was attacked as he was trying to leave the Little Red Hen.
Rail Nomads Camp: Examining H.R.’s Log Book no longer triggers a logbook entry. It must be looted.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Robert Bowling did not acknowledge Pitbull’s death.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed Melissa’s gunshot being played at the wrong location.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed water sounds not being affected by Effect Volume slider.
Atchisons’ Camp: Added more cover to the rail thief bridge encounter.
Prison: Turned off interactable cloth for a flag that was throwing a ton of errors. Lowered farm dirt and moved spawner to make sure farmer doesn’t clip through ground.
Prison: Fixed RSM not investigating an alarm near the security checkpoint.
Prison: Increased XP earned for killing Danforth to 225.
Prison: Fixed some navmesh issues inside the RSM cave to prevent Rangers from getting stuck inside wall.
Prison: Removed investigate sounds from Chris VanOverbake and crew.
Prison: Misc. fog of war fixes.
Prison: Fixed an issue where characters could fall through a ramp.
Prison: Chris VanOverbake and crew now teleport to the RSM checkpoint after the Rangers pay their taxes. This prevents an issue where the party could rush and get there before them and interrupt the sequence there.
Canyon of Titan: Extended the range of a trigger for Bart in order to make sure he activates it to prevent issues when returning him to Jill Yates.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed an erroneous keyword appearing when talking to Sadler which implied he didn’t know who the Mad Monks were.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed a broken prefab where a camera focus node went missing. This affected the cutscene where the suicide monk blew up the DBM base.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed a line of sight bug that could cause an infinite combat scenario with Honey Badgers from far-off overlooking cliff.
Canyon of Titan: Embiggended the DBM headquarters flag.
Canyon of Titan: Added dialog to Bridewell to acknowledge that you gave her weapons already at some point.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed locked up conversation with Sadler for “Not Willing” keyword.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed some Bridewell save/load issues.
Canyon of Titan: Fixed the red, yellow, green triggers near the DBM headquarters entrance.
Temple of Titan: Removed keyword “Help” when you have already given Dale some goop.
Temple of Titan: Fixed an issue wherein Father Enola would incorrectly appear wounded in front of the Temple exit even though he was previously killed.
Temple of Titan: Fixed several nav grid/pathfinding issues.
Temple of Titan: Fixed fog of war covering up Tom’s cutscene when approaching from certain angles.
Temple of Titan: Fixed a hacked turret in the DBM headquarters shooting through walls.
Temple of Titan: Fixed cover placement.
Temple of Titan: Fixed an issue where the player was able to kill a suicide monk before he got to his detonation spot at the DBM headquarters.
Temple of Titan: Fixed Brother Shapiro wait to join combat flag if he’s not in the party and in certain states.
Temple of Titan: Converted the scene where Father Enola takes you to the underground to be arrested to a cutscene to prevent issues with saving or attacking during that scene.
Temple of Titan: Can now use Lockpick to open a gate in the raider-controlled version of the level (prevents an issue in proceeding if player killed the raiders).
Temple of Titan: Fixed navmesh issues in the missile silo area.
Temple of Titan: Fixed some floating medical supply crates.
Temple of Titan: Fixed game locking up after conversation with Father Enola in Mad Monk prison.
Temple of Titan: Brother Roy Parsons should now give you more containers when he asks you for more sludge in tribute.
Temple of Titan: Added ability to get more sludge containers from Brother Roy Parsons if you don’t have enough for tribute.
Damonta: Updated large airplane prop with adjusted colors and lights.
Damonta: Tweaked terrain and lighting, fixed bad materials.
Damonta: Fixed “creaking hinge” sound when looting dead bodies to now play something more appropriate.
Damonta: Fixed Clyde logic to make sure he dies when you leave the level having never met him. Should clear up Epilogue logic a bit.
Damonta: Removed persistent corpse from Clyde’s guards.
Damonta: Jill will no longer mention Bart if he was never rescued.
Damonta: Fixed an issue wherein Rick Baychowski did not get killed by robots after Damonta is abandoned.
Damonta: Rick’s corpse no longer appears in Damonta if he never made it to Damonta.
Damonta: Added Universal Death to Baychowski.
Damonta: Fixed an issue wherein Lexcanium’s jail cell did not open correctly when opened with explosives.
Damonta: Fixed an issue where Bart leaving at the front entrance was not being tracked properly later when finding his cows.
Radio Tower: Fixed Spkye Alpha’s raiders temporarily disregarding combat movement rules when attacking them after they are sweet-talked and leave.
Wrecking Crew Stronghold: Fixed the level bounds so that they include the level transition.
Infected Village: Updated text to better reflect the location’s design.
Infected Village: Updated instructions and logbook about weapon cache location to match the local map.
Infected Village: Fixed a bug preventing combat movement if combat was started with a Ranger in a specific spot on a ramp.
Infected Pump Station: Fixed warnings about missing scripts.
Infected Pump Station: Cleaned up some colliders and layers.
Infected Pump Station: Fixed waterfall issue.
Gorkinovich’s Distillery: Fixed a combat bounds issue.
Gorkinovich’s Distillery: North building walls now provide cover.
Rick’s RV: Fixed an issue wherein Vargas failed to call and inquire about Rick Baychowski while visiting Rick’s RV.
Darwin’s Village: Pizepi no longer wants to join the Rangers if Jan is murdered.
Darwin’s Village: Fixed plague status effect being curable with Antibiotics.
Darwin’s Village: Fixed mutants outside the first room not engaging in combat if the first encounter is still underway.
Silo 7: Fixed some text being repeated when it shouldn’t have been.
Silo 7: Added an existing string to Sierra Madre logbook entry.
Silo 7: Fixed blank entry in a Rick Baychowski conversation.
Silo 7: Added klaxon sound to Father Enola’s radio call.
Silo 7: Added background music.
Arizona Random Encounter Map 2: Fixed an issue where a friendly trader could spawn inside an inaccessible building.
Arizona Random Encounter Map 2: Fixed some wall collision issues.
Arizona Random Encounter Map 3: Fixed an issue where Rangers could fall through a bridge.
Arizona Random Encounter Maps: Fixed missing script and lighting layer issues.
Santa Fe Springs: Woodson no longer drops materials used to upgrade the rad suits.
Santa Fe Springs: Moved Dave’s path node to the radio room.
Santa Fe Springs: Fixed an issue wherein two Dave Carlson corpses were visible simultaneously.
Santa Fe Springs: Added new logbook entries that track the progress of Cat Litter and Zeolite given to Woodson.
Santa Fe Springs: Repairing a fence now interrupts the active radio broadcast. Fixes a bug where Woodson calls the party even though he is next to them.
Rodia: Added new charred flesh textures.
Rodia: Smoothed terrain to prevent it popping into corner of bedroom in one of the brothel bedrooms.
Rodia: Fixed a normal map issue with a texture that was causing SSAO anomalies.
Rodia: Improved walkway texture and terrain leading up to mayor’s office so it’s more visible.
Rodia: Fixed roof texture association issue.
Rodia: Fixed missing texture issue on bank vault.
Rodia: Lowered difficulty of entrance gate for Lockpicking and Brute Force.
Rodia: Satan disappears after Rodia is saved from the Leather Jerks to prevent quest issues.
Rodia: Satan quest can now be completed after saving the town and getting Virgil to fix the radio tower. Satan triggers should also no longer resolve the quest until you talk to Virgil.
Rodia: Virgil should now start conversation immediately upon returning Satan.
Rodia: Dante should no longer magically teleport over to his table after fixing the radio tower and talking to him.
Rodia: Satan should no longer run to Virgil as part of his failure pathing.
Rodia: Critically failing Animal Whisperer on Satan works now.
Rodia: Fixed sound effect bug on barracks floors.
Rodia: Fixed texture on sewer entrance pipe.
Rodia: Synth battle with Leather Jerks should unset faction hate if you’ve hacked a synth.
Angel Oracle: Clarified dialog and added a logbook entry pertaining to the Mannerite toaster.
Angel Oracle: Relocated the “Baby Ruth” toaster to the area containing Feral Boars.
Angel Oracle: Mr. Manners now accepts Toast.
Angel Oracle: Fixed Mannerites with incorrect leg equipment.
Angel Oracle: Fixed incorrect speaker for a proximity conversation between a Mannerite and Robbinson.
Angel Oracle: The camera will now focus on Guard Llewelyn when bringing Fletcher back.
Angel Oracle: It is no longer possible to sneak past Sheriff Marshall after Fletcher has escaped.
Angel Oracle: Backwards compatibility fix to unlock Los Angeles Aqueduct if you used skill keywords to stop the execution.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the armory door would not open following a Robbinson takeover under certain conditions.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein Doc Edwinson displayed the medic icon even though he is no longer willing to heal the Rangers.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an NPC being hostile when they shouldn’t have been.
Angel Oracle: Reduced size of Feral Pigs.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the Rangers could get trapped inside the execution cage.
Angel Oracle: Removed item filtering when recovering inventory from the armory safes.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the Civility Enforcers Captain would not attack safe thieves.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the dog-killer Mannerites would fade away after being attacked.
Angel Oracle: Linked missing formation nodes to Sherriff spawner.
Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the guards near the cafeteria would be hostile if Mannerite guards were attacked in Playa Del Rey.
Angel Oracle: Newly added Cast IDs should also hate the Rangers if Angel Oracle has turned hostile.
Angel Oracle: Dr. Edwinson now adds the microscope to the player’s inventory if he agrees to lend it out.
Angel Oracle: Fixed torch sound effects.
Angel Oracle: Fixed receiving out of context journal entries regarding the thief quest if the Robbinsons have taken over.
Hollywood: Prevented HSP guards from spawning at Los Feliz gate after God’s Militia attacks.
Hollywood: Fixed Vulture’s Cry getting mad at the player for killing the pigs in the cemetery.
Hollywood: Killing Retribution Jones in Hollywood should now make sure he’s killed in Griffith too.
Hollywood: Closing the conversation with Matthias now correctly removes conversation UI tooltip.
Hollywood: Killing Ascension McDade before the broken man quest is recieved now has a different outcome.
Hollywood: Fixed Manny’s quest not being resolved when Retribution Jones conquers Hollywood.
Hollywood: Fixed George’s quest not receiving a new entry when Retribution Jones conquers Hollywood.
Hollywood: Fixed Ma Brown’s quest not receiving a new entry when Retribution Jones conquers Hollywood.
Hollywood: Fixed keywords when speaking with Matthias’ kiosk not disappearing when they should have.
Hollywood: Fixed Retribution Jones’ group stopping outside the cemetery when loading a save.
Hollywood: Fixed Heidi and Veronica stopping their escape when loading a save after intervening in their execution scene.
Hollywood: Logbook now updates when Heidi is saved from her execution.
Hollywood: Fixed killing Mary causing Heidi to slide towards Rangers.
Hollywood: Fixed pigs not joining combat in the cemetery if prostitutes have been attacked by the Rangers first.
Hollywood: Added new text to Ascension McDade to handle if the player kills Retribution Jones early in the retake Bastion quest.
Hollywood: Fixed killing Schwag first not putting Flo in charge of the diner.
Hollywood: Fixed being unable to tell Flo about Schwag’s death if the player kills him before getting the quest from her.
Hollywood: Removed some tooltips from certain generic idle NPCs that implied they could be spoken with.
Hollywood: Fixed Heidi and Veronica being at execution even though Heidi took over the Bastion.
Hollywood: Added new text if the player pisses off Matthias at his kiosk.
Hollywood: Changed some Ranger conversation lines when talking to Ma Brown.
Hollywood: Fixed a bug allowing conversation with Schwag to be initiated through a wall.
Hollywood: Fixed a quest update issue with the election quest.
Hollywood: Fixed misleading description shown in log after entering High Ground.
Hollywood: Fixed slaves in Swift’s office not running away if the player uses explosives to break the doors.
Hollywood: Fixed bodyguard from Heidi’s office being able to spot Rangers through the wall of Gwen’s room.
Hollywood: Fixed text describing Swifty’s ambush being shown too early.
Hollywood: Fixed text description in Schwag’s office repeating and describing dead NPCs if they’ve been killed.
Hollywood: Fixed being able to continually ask Swifty about a job.
Hollywood: Fixed being able to persuade Flo to vote for Veronica even if the player has never met Veronica before.
Hollywood: Fixed Heidi reacting incorrectly when the Rangers come back from Griffith after taking over the Bastion.
Hollywood: Fixed Heidi barking “thank you” while her prostitutes are still being attacked by Feral Pigs.
Hollywood: Made Ratboy’s description more consistent.
Hollywood Sewers: Fixed an unlootable medical supply chest.
Hollywood Sewers: Fixed conversation of thugs not triggering if eastern locker is opened.
Los Feliz: Fixed situation where if the player saved Luis before talking to Alex, Alex did not thank the player for helping his brother.
Griffith Park: Fixed Maggie’s logbook entry not updating.
Griffith Park: Prevented the radio tower gate from closing when clicking on it repeatedly, which led to it becoming unopenable.
Griffith Park: Fixed wrong description text in front of Bastion gate with turrets.
Griffith Park: Fixed invisible Garza barking when exterior gate controls are destroyed.
Griffith Park: Fixed being able to not complete Heidi’s quest if done before actually getting the quest.
Griffith Park: Fixed bug when destroying the front gate control, which could cause the Bastion gate to close and then open.
Griffith Park: Fixed descriptions mentioning NPCs in Bastion forecourt being once the NPCs have left.
Griffith Park: Improved Bastion gate feedback (tooltip and description) to be more obvious what player’s interaction choices are.
Griffith Park: Fixed a bug where there was a small chance the inside doors would not open while the player was in the Bastion forecourt.
Griffith Park: Fixed a bug where Heidi was showing up at the Bastion even though Retribution Jones was in control.
Griffith Park: Random Church Vigilant no longer appears inside the chapel once Malediction Mayweather has been killed.
Griffith Park: Fixed being unable to interact with Bastion gate control box.
Griffith Park: Fixed Luis’s intro line appearing as a bark — it now displays in the conversation HUD.
Griffith Park: Removed Constance Yee’s description of the Bastion statue, as it was inaccurate.
Griffith Park: Constance Yee now no longer uses same dialog for certain keywords as Maggie.
Griffith Park: Updated Southwestern Folklore description of the Bastion statue.
Griffith Park: Fixed nun character template.
Griffith Park: Fixed Billy’s conversation ending early when a certain keyword was picked.
Griffith Park: Fixed an issue with Retribution Jones’ quest getting updated early.
Griffith Park: Fixed Ascension McDade asking the player to tell Veronica he loves her even though the quest failed.
Griffith Park: Fixed Ascension McDade appearing in Bastion during coup when he was supposed to be in Hollywood.
Griffith Park: Fixed a small graphical issue with the Observatory’s door that allowed players to see through a gap in the model.
Griffith Park: Fixed “Investigation” dialogue line not fitting fit the conversation preview.
Griffith Park: Fixed conversation with Luis Bermudez being initiated before he speaks with his brother.
Griffith Park: Fixed Rocco di Leo not opening gate when save/loading.
Griffith Park: Fixed some hostile God’s Militia NPCs ignoring the Rangers after the Bastion gate controls have been destroyed.
Griffith Park: Fixed bug where an invisible Garza barks when Bastion gate controls are destroyed.
Griffith Park: Troops correctly disappear when Retribution Jones is in control of the Bastion.
Griffith Park: Fixed an issue where Jones/McDade cutscene where they kill Mayweather does not play.
Griffith Park: The player ordering the party to shoot at the ground will no longer cause Heidi to run back and forth between the Rangers and the Bastion gate.
Griffith Park: Fixed Heidi not heading back to Hollywood even though she tells the Rangers she will.
Griffith Park: Moved Meson Cannon’s position.
Griffith Park: Fixed an issue where Maggie walking to behind Samson’s Snack Shoppe could cause her cutscene to be interrupted.
Griffith Park: Added a death flag to Maggie’s script.
Griffith Park: Updated journal for finding Ascension McDade.
Griffith Park: Added a cutscene for when Heidi enters the Bastion.
Griffith Park: Sanctity White should now accept more item types as illicit.
Griffith Park: Can now learn Combat Shooting from bookcase.
Griffith Park: Fixed Meson Cannon near the Bastion gate remaining neutral if the player attacks nearby NPCs first.
Seal Beach: Dweezle should no longer join the Dugan battle.
Seal Beach: Warehouse split up into separate combat bounds, so you can’t fight people outside of the compound when inside.
Seal Beach: Fixed the shadow caster over the warehouse to be in line with how we do other roof shadows.
Seal Beach: Optimization pass on lights in the warehouse.
Seal Beach: Fixed a fog of war visibility issue when standing near the warehouse walls.
Seal Beach: Fixed Dweezle and the ambush group joining Rangers’ combat with Tonza and Rev. Degge T. Thomas, Jr.
Seal Beach: Fixed Mad Money Mike not continuing walking if the player exited the level and re-entered.
Seal Beach: Fixed Dweezle repeating his action if the player got to his point before him.
Seal Beach Underground: Fixed being able to complete Matthias quest without killing Woodson.
Seal Beach Underground: Fixed doors clipping into walls.
Seal Beach Underground: Fixed sandbags not providing cover.
Seal Beach Underground: Adjusted lighting in Scorpitron factory area.
Seal Beach Underground: Fixed an issue that wasn’t keeping track of Dugan’s death.
Seal Beach Underground: Added a fix for a broken save where you could get to the Underground, having completed the Matthias quest, and return to the helicopter only to find that it wasn’t there.
Seal Beach Underground: Fixed a null error if Kekkahbah was used to sacrifice but Vargas was not present.
Endgame: Fixed an issue wherein a Ranger healer only healed the party once.
Endgame: Casey James will no longer come the Rangers’ aid if Kekkahbah was given the Brake Shoe or he is suspected of stealing the Golden Spike.
Endgame: Fixed bug where Danforth, Campbell and Reina were showing up at end game even though the player wiped them out at the Prison after securing peace treaty.
Endgame: Bridewell now has the correct amount of MAXCON.
Endgame: Gave Matthias radio call a portrait and name.
Salt Lake Park: Moved the FOW revealer up a bit to reveal better in the third badger cave.
Salt Lake Park: Description in text now matches graphics better.
Salt Lake Park: Player now gets a guaranteed large Scrap reward for finding the locked stash.
Salt Lake Park: Added Demolitions to booby trapped stuff.
Salt Lake Park: Fixed issue where looting the hidden loot room would do the same at Long Beach.
Long Beach: Player now gets a guaranteed large Scrap reward for finding the locked stash.
Cerritos: Made Evolved guards walk more straight in line.
Cerritos: Fixed duplicate reward issue with the Old Farm Woman.
Cerritos: Fixed Brother James setting wrong faction hate.
Long Beach: Old Man now correctly points out that Seal Beach is to the east, not west.
Long Beach: Fixed issue where looting the hidden loot room would do the same at Salt Lake Park.
Los Alamitos: Dekkar now reacts correctly if you Animal Whisper his dog.
Los Alamitos: Fixed some logic bugs with Dekkar and his dog.
Los Alamitos: Fixed broken logbook entries.
Los Alamitos: Changed text for logbook entries to reflect “finding and retrieving” the dog instead of just “finding”.
Los Alamitos: Fixed Dekkar’s portrait to better match his description.
Los Alamitos: Made sure Dekkar can be spoken to after returning his dog.
Los Angeles Aqueduct: Converted all factions to neutral in order to fix faction anger issues when players killed a ton of innocents.
Los Angeles Aqueduct: Fixed flickering trash piles.
Culver City Brothel: Fixed a fog of war issue where fog was appearing after fog was already revealed.
Redondo Beach: Fixed reference to “Simm’s eye” in notification when giving statue to Bob.
Whittier: Removed 2 synths from the battle and moved a few other back a bit to give the player a bit more space before the ambush.
Whittier: Added more cover.
Whittier: Cutscene now no longer triggers immediately so the player can leave before the ambush occurs and save prior to it.
Clerc Shrine: Fixed dual shadows in some places.
Chia Shrine: Fixed navmesh issue.
California World Map: Unset flags that say you’ve visited Seal Beach Underground to fix issues where you can skip to the Underground, even though you finished the Matthias quest. This should prevent a potential (but extremely rare) game-breaking issue.
California World Map: Fixed a rare issue wherein Woodson’s radio call failed to trigger if the player quicksaved right as the call started.
California World Map: Moved location of the “Wastelanders having a BBQ” encounter away from starting zones.
California Random Encounter Map 3: Added wall cover to the tank prop.
California Random Encounter Map 4: Added missing bridge to this map.
California Random Encounter Map 5: Added big ass waterfall sound effect.
California Random Encounter Map 6: Fixed camera being blocked.
California Random Encounter Maps: Fixed hacking one of Dugan’s Worker Bots in a random encounter causing one to still be hacked in subsequent encounters with Dugan’s Worker Bots.
Multitudinous spelling, grammar, consistency and spacing fixes.
Multitudinous fixes to inaccurate descriptions of locations in text log (such as Salt Lake Park).
Correctly capitalized names of generic cows and chickens.
Fixed too many *s in string “<@>**mmmff*** **ggrrrggglll** that were causing problems.
Added Jason Dora to the credits as a Web Developer, for his excellent development of webs.
Updated all localizations.
Fixed bug with localized keywords not appearing as buttons because they’ve translated two different English keywords to the same localized word. This should prevent some rare missing keyword issues.
Updated Korean font choice and kerning improvements.
Changed handling of mismatched starred keywords in translations to show more information and still put up the keywords (just in English). This is a fallback that is being added to prevent missing keyword issues if they occur before our localization teams can fix them.
Fix to allow English typo fixes to stars on starred keywords to work. Used to just use the key string, now gets English translation for key string (if any).
For mismatched starred keywords in translations, no longer show the partially keyworded translation if it had no starred words.
Epilogue (Spoilers)
Pistol Pete will no longer show up in places if you’ve sacrificed him or blown him up at the end.
Should no longer mention Pistol Pete if you haven’t met him.
Choosing to blow the nuke and kill everyone should no longer include CNPCs that did not make it with you to the very end.
Followers should now have checks if the Rangers killed them as opposed to them dying in battle to prevent epilogues showing up for them if the player killed them.
Added some additional epilogue backgrounds.
Rail Nomads Camp: Added alternate ending for killing both Kekkahbah and Casey.
Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed logic issue with Topekans winning.
Rail Nomads Camp: Added alternate ending for giving the golden spike to Casey.
Prison: Signing the peace treaty with Danforth is now reflected properly.
Temple of Titan: Added alternate ending text for putting the DBM in charge but disarming the nuke.
Damonta: The epilogue was given logic to check if you’ve never met Clyde in order to fix any saves that may have been broken.
Damonta: Now correctly handles Rick Baychowski’s death so he doesn’t appear in the epilogue if he’s dead.
Damonta: Ending for Hopi and Magee was added if they died in battle.
Arizona: Should no longer mention Infected Village/Pump Station/Farm if you’ve not unlocked any of them.
Rodia: Lying to Dr. Horchata about dropping the disinfectant in the well is now handled appropriately.
Rodia: Dante and Virgil should no longer be mentioned if you’ve never met them.
Rodia: Removed “to the Leather Jerks” from a few text entries to clear up confusion if you’ve defeated them.
Angel Oracle: Ending for Angel Oracle was added if you didn’t give a hostage for Fletcher.
Hollywood: Ma Brown is not mentioned anymore if you’ve killed her.
Hollywood: Fixed Ma Brown’s quest not showing an epilogue if resolved.
Hollywood: Should no longer mention Ma Brown if you haven’t met her.
Hollywood: Heidi is no longer mentioned if she’s been killed
Hollywood: Fixed some logic errors with Flo in Hollywood.
Hollywood: Added epilogue text for Flo.
Hollywood: Should no longer mention Raji if you haven’t met him.
Griffith Park: Ending for Griffith was added if you abandoned the Ascension McDade quest completely.
Endgame: Added endings for Kekkahbah and Casey dying in the end battle.
Endgame: Ending for Vargas was added if he died in battle at the end.
Wasteland 2 Patch 2 (58154) Release Notes
— Large amount of memory optimizations, particularly with audio, to improve performance and stability on lower-spec systems and 32-bit operating systems.
— Fixed enemy “unlimited AP” movement bug that allowed them to sometimes move much farther than intended.
— Extensive improvements and fixes to California questlines, particularly in Hollywood and Griffith Park. May require you to load an older save file before Hollywood to fully benefit.
— Added a travel speed toggle to the world map, allowing you to zip and zoom around if you so please (doesn’t affect encounters, only travel speed).
— Added a new UI when CNPCs are recruited. This lets you more easily compare their stats and choose to dismiss one when a new one offers to join.
— Custom portraits will now work correctly when Windows account username contains non-English characters.
— Added support for “Very Large” text.
— Added 50 messages to load screens containing gameplay hints and tips.
— Loading now continues when the game is tabbed out, and pauses after finishing.
— Further UI fixes and improvements, such as new and correctly used icons.
— Many localization updates and bug fixes across all languages.
— Capped move towards target for ranged AI by maximum movement range (this prevents enemies from moving too far in combat).
— Added a travel speed toggle on the world map. This new feature allows you to travel at approximately double speed to save time if you want to rush around the wasteland.
— Fix to prevent force attack from breaking when switching between normal and AoE weapons.
— Dismissing a CNPC via the character info menu will now transfer their inventory items to the party.
— Camera should now respect height field in combat to prevent “dips” and other issues when moving it around.
— Meson Cannon attack comes from the center of it, so you can’t hide under its barrel anymore.
— Fixed computers to not be active at start to prevent farming experience.
— Fixed some turning/facing oddities and bugs in combat.
— Lowered weight of rad suits to 1.0.
— Added camera pause when an NPC dies in combat.
— Added a new status effect for when you Animal Whisper a possum.
— It should no longer be possible to use Weaponsmithing before committing points in the skill.
— Adjusted tier 3 weapon drops to not have Meson Cannon drop at a higher rate than is intended.
— Fixed issue where some high level guards had too high of a critical hit chance.
— The encumbered status effect indicator will now be updated correctly if encumbrance is caused by a status effect that ends.
— Fixed improperly trying to unequip the primary weapon twice when being disarmed.
— Pain Relievers rank 3-6 take 4 AP to use now.
— Made Ag Center enemies immune to the Pod Infection.
— Removing a high capacity magazine now resets ammo count properly.
— Prevented suicide monks from exploding after a critical hit but not taking any damage. Would result in the enemy exploding in a giant explosion but still being alive.
— Set description of radiation suits level 3-6 to the display name.
— Now only teleport unconscious player characters to a combat square at the start of combat if they’re in the same combat bounds.
User Interface
— Added 50 new loading screen tooltips (some languages may not be supported yet).
— Added support for “Very Large” text.
— Added a new UI when CNPCs are recruited. This lets you more easily compare their stats and choose to dismiss one when a new one offers to join.
— Switching characters with the right/middle mouse button while dragging an item will now cancel the current drag.
— Dropping an item on the “junk” tab should no longer leave the item floating attached to the button.
— The HUD should work correctly at 4K resolution.
— The inventory should once again use position data.
— Made the options menu taller. More options at once! How could you not want that?
— AoE weapon ranges should now be displayed correctly in the item info menu.
— Equipped items will never show up in the inventory regardless of registry settings.
— Equipped items will never show up in the trade screen.
— Changed main menu buttons so that their colliders match the text. This helps prevent misclicks when starting the game and clicking through the movies quickly.
— Fixed low resolution character portraits in character creation.
— Custom portraits should load at full resolution again.
— Pressing the enter/return key on the load screen will now attempt to load the last selected saved game, or the last hovered saved game if none has been selected.
— Added bounds checking for the inventory grid.
— Permanent corpses with lootable items now display the loot cursor.
— Status effect tooltips should be resized correctly at different resolutions.
— Fixed sprite positioning on loot menus.
— Spamming the spacebar on the popup inventory menu should no longer result in a null reference exception.
— Skill points counter in character screen will no longer blink if there are no points available.
— Local map merchant icons should no longer be rotated.
— Inventory items should no longer be sized incorrectly when they are equipped, then dragged back to the inventory, then dragged to an invalid container.
— Slightly rearranged the combat initiative display to avoid overlap.
— Text tooltips should now resize correctly regardless of resolution.
— Added tooltips to the radio buttons.
— Tooltip now shows stat values for party as well as enemies.
— CNPC-owned items can no longer be sold via the “Sell All Junk” button.
— The Burning status effect will now use the burn icon.
— Improved the Leg Wound icon.
— Improved the Blood Loss icon.
— The range info area of the item info menu will now appear just below the description label.
— Switching character gender will now change the character to a default portrait.
— The world map HUD will no longer accept keyboard input while loading.
— Updated the Point of Interest component on all the companion prefabs so they’ll show up in the scene map.
— Fix bug with radio conversation calling EndRadioCommunication() prematurely allowing the next call to start before conversation ended and leaving the player locked in the conversation UI.
— Added Ranger name tooltips to inventory and trade portrait buttons.
— Enemy mouseover tooltips should now be correctly updated when keybindings change.
— The world map Point of Interest popup background should now correctly resize at different aspect ratios.
— The dismiss button in the character info menu is now disabled for unconscious CNPCs.
— Added another check to prevent dead NPCs from displaying the cover icon.
— Added or adjusted attachment points for underbarrel laser mod for some energy weapons and revolvers.
— Tutorial messages are now hidden during cutscenes.
— Pulled some shenanigans with junk flagging to make junk items appear (or not) usefully in the vendor screen.
— Fixed negative number printing when item is removed from player’s inventory.
— The current player character of a hotkey button is now controlled by the hotkey bar.
— Custom portraits will now work correctly when Windows account username contains non-English characters.
— The game will now load levels when focus is lost, and pause correctly after loading. This lets you tab out of the game during loading and tab back when finished.
— Audio is no longer stored in a scene file to help reduce memory use.
— Deleted unused motion blur plugin.
— The game will no longer automatically take a picture of a new character during character creation.
— Chisel’s Pickles are no longer flagged as partyNoDrop. This should prevent them from being incorrectly transferred to the party when he is removed.
— Gibbed NPCs don’t re-appear when returning to them from fog of war.
— Moved radio calls into their own audio controller.
— Fixed a portrait bug on OpenGL.
— Removed unused projector textures from world maps (saves about 100 MB).
— Set HUD, conversation and radio sounds to 80 kbps to reduce memory use.
— Set ambient sounds to 96 kbps to reduce memory use.
— World map pop up panels died too soon, taking some sound effects with them. Those sound effects have been moved to a longer-lived parent transform to prevent them from ending prematurely.
— Several UI sounds weren’t properly flagged as 2D. They are now!
— Optimized dressing room (the character paperdoll scene in character creation/inventory) a bit.
— Improved settings for the terrain on both Arizona and California. Should provide less texture popping at the cost of performance.
— Fixed memory leaks with speech bubbles.
— Can no longer spam quickload on world map.
— The player should no longer be able to open the character info screen while combat is starting.
— Fixed up progress bar tick tooltips a bit.
— Added SickDog_AliveLoop to AC_FeralDog, and added logic for dogs to switch between them.
— Fixed close sound effect bad timing on inventory window.
— Adjusted SSAO settings to be slightly better performing.
— Kathy Lawson now sounds like a female when she dies.
— Removed a bad sound from the UI.
— Clothing items had no sound category assigned; fixed.
— Unified sound effects on item move in trade screen.
— Pause menu close sound effect was childed to the pause window when it closed, killing it before it could play. Gave it a better parent.
— Improved sounds for the new world map movement buttons.
— Fixed inventory and navigation button hover sounds on world map interface.
— Adjusted headshot UI hover sound to be in line with others on the UI.
— We now play a sound effect when function/F keys are used during conversations.
— Usable skill items should now be usable on self if the player character has the associated status effect.
— Fixed sun bias setting that was causing shadows on characters to be separated.
— Fixed grenade having a white graphics artifact on it when equipped to a Ranger.
— Adjustment to camera position during transitions.
— Ranger Citadel: Adjusted lighting to improve performance in the Citadel interior.
— Ranger Citadel: Smudged out some fog of war blockers in the map so they don’t block anymore.
— Ranger Citadel: Trying to sell junk to Dr. Tidemann in Ranger Citadel will no longer result in message spam.
— Ranger Citadel: Vargas cutscene will not play if attacking Mercaptain.
— Ranger Citadel: Fixed an issue wherein Rose complained about betraying Jan even though she was dead.
— Ranger Citadel: Fixed an issue wherein Vargas did not correctly acknowledge the state of the Highpool irrigation system.
— Ranger Citadel: Angela should properly disappear after leaving the party in the Canyon.
— Ranger Citadel: Fixed a very rare blocker bug preventing the player from traveling to California, which occurred when the player’s party was too far away from Vargas while he walked to the helicopter.
— Highpool: Changed Bryan to Mark in a logbook entry to correctly reflect his new name.
— Highpool: Added additional logbook entry for Jess-Belle quest.
— Highpool: Quest to help Jess-Belle now resolves if the tunnels flood prior to obtaining her dowry.
— Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein Jess-Belle would add empty logbook entries.
— Highpool: Irrigation logbook entry now resolves if the underground pipes burst.
— Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein a conversation would start with Bergin even though he was not visible.
— Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein Vargas would speak to a deceased Kathy Lawson.
— Highpool: Will now reverts to the destroyed state if Jackhammer is not dealt with prior to leaving.
— Highpool: The automatic conversation with Bergin upon exiting the crane will not occur if the pipes quest has been failed.
— Highpool: House on fire logbook entries now resolve if the pipe system fails.
— Highpool: Fixed Vulture’s Cry not joining the party after using Kate’s key.
— Highpool: Fixed an issue wherein PoleAxe did not play his death animation if 1-shot by a rocket.
— Highpool: Destroyed version didn’t have level music set, so it was retaining the loading level music and then losing music after combat ended since it didn’t know what to replace it with. Fixed so now music plays correctly.
— Highpool: Kate will now resume walking to the mayor’s office following a save/load.
— Ag Center: Fixed an issue wherein Julio would not acknowledge the rangers if they Animal Whispered all three rabbits attacking him.
— Ag Center: Fixed a chest that was intangible upon using Brute Force.
— Ag Center: Added vine blocker sounds to obstruction in Central Basement.
— Ag Center: “Mushroom Caves” will no longer appear as a keyword.
— Ag Center: Fixed a bug where the wrong logbook entry was used when Ag Center was saved after visiting destroyed Highpool.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Injured Topekan will now be found by Topekan patrols if the Rangers visit the Atchison camp and give Casey the Golden Spike.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Gorkinovich no longer says Sammy Haas is in the bar after he’s gone.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Rail Thief quest now resolves if Kekkahbah is unwilling to talk.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Prevented Ralphy from going into cutscene if he is encumbered.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed an issue wherein Elder Cole did not join in combat alongside Mrs. Parker.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Added new art for V-8 Interceptor.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Added skill check when examining V-8 Interceptor.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed a cutscene lock up issue with Ralphy and Jessie if Ralphy was unconscious.
— Rail Nomads Camp: Fixed bug where Gorkinovich had 8 blunt weapons for sale instead of 1.
— Prison: Fixed a collider not allowing clicking on a grid space in combat.
Prison: Baychowski will no longer show up if you haven’t attached at least one Repeater Unit in the game.
— Prison: Fixed some nav grid issues.
— Prison: Added higher-resolution normal maps that look less blotchy.
— Canyon of Titan: Removed mesh renderers and mesh filters from colliders that aren’t needed. Removed colliders from similar objects that also aren’t needed. Set many material colliders to static.
— Canyon of Titan: Added bark timer delay to Brother Chavez to prevent barks from appearing when they shouldn’t.
— Canyon of Titan: Put a couple camera focus calls for the Bridewell scene where she shoots Brother Shapiro.
— Canyon of Titan: Gave Jill Yates a more appropriate portrait.
— Canyon of Titan: Barrels near some honey badgers now can be used as cover.
— Canyon of Titan: Swapped out some fire effects around the level.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed an issue wherein you could only purchase items from Dale once.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed an issue wherein DBM Grunt would not resume his idle animation after the Rangers open the gate leading into the Temple.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed typo in Dr. Sidney Kyle’s dialog.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed some storage chests in the hospital pointing the wrong direction.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed broken keywords with Father Enola in the Temple jail.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed fog of war map by clearing rooms with pillar issues.
— Temple of Titan: Moved start point back to entrance area.
— Temple of Titan: Bridewell now uses the correct sex/equipment/AI template.
— Temple of Titan: Fixed drama bug where $Intro was being set as the new keyword label each time when you talked to one of your CNPCs near Dan Q.
— Damonta: Werewolf Wally should now always drop his key to the gate nearby when he dies.
— Damonta: Red shouldn’t accuse you of harming Rick unless you did.
— Damonta: Rick shouldn’t be described as being freed from the brig unless you did it.
— Damonta: Fixed typo when talking to Hopi.
— Damonta: Rick is a coward, so when combat was ordered, he effectively declined to get into the fight. Modified his script so he won’t be a coward for the Damonta fight.
— Damonta: Fixed an issue wherein Rick Baychowski was visible simultaneously in the brig.
— Damonta: Fixed area transition globes.
— Damonta: Binh’s Basket shouldn’t reappear on successive loads.
— Damonta: Now uses the Arizona loading screen.
— Damonta: Added a display name for the plane cockpit door.
— Damonta: Added some checks to prevent a door barking when Rick is dead.
— Damonta: Switched out some fire effects around the level.
— Wrecking Crew Stronghold: Fixed a bad nav grid causing enemies to clip through a bridge.
— Darwin’s Village: Jan no longer starts conversation with you if she hates you; added text to explain this better.
— Darwin’s Village: Fixed crazy issue where Pizepi Joren wouldn’t show up if the plague status effect was removed after a flag to make her visible again was set.
— Darwin’s Village: Changed the glass rooms to not look as bad.
— Darwin’s Village: Increased the resolution of the brick normal maps
— Darwin’s Village: Smudged out areas on the fog of war map to reveal because you can see through them anyways.
— Infected Village: Added barks to NPCs after they are released from the jail.
— Abandoned Railway: Now uses Arizona loading screen.
— Genache Mysterious Shrine: Added computer display name and portrait.
— World Map: Quarex radio call will no longer trigger if Quarex has recieved the CDi. Sorry Quarex!
— World Map: Added Provost voice over to his radio message.
— Arizona Random Map 3: Lowered building that was blocking the camera.
— Added descriptors and logbook resolutions for investigating Team Foxtrot and the threat.
— Santa Fe Springs: Reduced oversized textures.
— Santa Fe Springs: Added missing steam vent sounds.
— Santa Fe Springs: Fixed an issue wherein the Rangers are snapped outside of the radio room during combat.
— Rodia: Changed log book entries to be written with “we” and “us” instead of “you”.
— Rodia: Logbook entries for warning Dante have been updated to reflect when Dengler shows up at his house.
— Rodia: Fixed examine text for certain objects in the distillery.
— Rodia: Fixed a typo for “withdrink” when speaking to Dengler.
— Rodia: Added more descriptions for the sewer pipe and the ladder that leads to the surface.
— Rodia: Changed the graphic for the sewer pipe to reflect locked and unlocked states.
— Rodia: Added ability to Brute Force sewer pipe.
— Rodia: Removed ability to unlock sewer pipe from inside the sewer and added a description to clarify why.
— Rodia: Fixed a rogue cash register in the hospital.
— Rodia: Added in fix for broken microscope quest. Should work with old saves that were broken.
— Rodia: Keywords for Dante no longer show up if Beatrice is locked in his shed. This prevents battle cutscenes from playing when they shouldn’t.
— Rodia: Added in new logbook details for when Patt the Axe and Ulric are killed.
— Rodia: Added disinfectant to the well after telling Horchata that you did will now show a different logbook entry that doesn’t mention talking to Horchata.
— Rodia: Fixed typo in one of the mayor’s guards.
— Rodia: Added new logbook entry for killing Satan before finding out who he was.
— Angel Oracle: Can now correctly put the radio parts back in the radio receiver following a save/load.
— Angel Oracle: Added backwards compatibility fix for Rangers that stole the radio parts before key radio calls were triggered.
— Angel Oracle: Mr. Manners will now allow the Rangers into the radio room even if the radio parts have been rudely stolen.
— Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein talking to Dr. Edwinson did not progress the Blisterpaw Cure quest. It will now be possible to continue the quest by speaking to Edwinson or Horchata.
— Angel Oracle: Fixed an issue wherein the execution could not be resumed after leaving the Oracle (after interrupting Mr. Manners twice).
— Angel Oracle: Fog of war will clear near the commons during the execution sequence.
— Angel Oracle: Glenn Goa no longer barks if the radio is hacked after the Repeater Units have been installed.
— Angel Oracle: Added Lockpick option to explosive crates.
— Angel Oracle: Fixed missing audio controller name.
— Hollywood: Fixed a bug that allowed players to repeatedly turn in a quest with Raji.
— Hollywood: Fixed missing examine text on Rambeau’s shop door.
— Hollywood: Matthias will now give the Rangers level 6 rad suits to better aid in his quest.
— Hollywood: Fixed Broken Man quest not resolving properly.
— Hollywood: Fixed Heidi being killed by pigs during the cemetery encounter (she now always escapes properly).
— Hollywood: Fixed Heidi showing up in her Hideaway after being killed by said pigs.
— Hollywood: After betraying Veronica, the player can no longer persuade characters to vote for her.
— Hollywood: Fixed Ma Brown quest not getting closed out if you killed her.
— Hollywood: Fixed Manny not taking the chip suitcase for his quest.
— Hollywood: Billy now has 12,000 Scrap in his inventory after giving it to him.
— Hollywood: Ratboy’s “All Items” trade tab should actually show all items correctly.
— Hollywood: Fixed flickering rug in Rambeau’s shop.
— Hollywood: Fixed Heidi describing Veronica positively after she fires her.
— Hollywood: Fixed Heidi’s quest being updated with a useless logbook entry.
— Hollywood: Fixed Flo not voting for Veronica after Schwag’s dead.
— Hollywood Sewers: Fixed Sensuari not appearing correctly in salt lab.
— Hollywood Sewers: Fixed cutscene with Heidi and Sensuari playing when it shouldn’t.
— Griffith Park: Fixed McDade’s two quests conflicting in a cut scene.
— Griffith Park: Added text so hostile NPCs after McDade takes over make more sense.
— Griffith Park: Correctly disabled a spawner for Heidi that was a causing her to reappear even after being killed.
— Griffith Park: Fixed one of McDade’s lines.
— Griffith Park: Fixed an issue with McDade hiding too soon.
— Griffith Park: Added journal entry for Veronica and McDade’s peace treaty quest.
— Griffith Park: Fixed a logbook entry being updated after the quest was over, leading to confusion.
— Griffith Park: Fixed quest to retake the Bastion not updating correctly when McDade and Veronica are killed.
— Griffith Park: Meson Cannon will now be set to friendly after siding with Retribution Jones. Previously it was still hostile.
— Griffith Park: Made killing Jones after he takes control of Griffith/Hollywood make more sense via some new text.
— Griffith Park: Fixed up Retribution Jones’ examination/description to be less confusing.
— Griffith Park: Fix for not being able to identify the Broken Man correctly if the player put him in charge before talking to Veronica.
— Griffith Park: Fixed Heidi disappearing in the cemetery if McDade was put in charge — should have only happened if Jones was in charge.
— Griffith Park: Prevented a bug allowing players to get the same quest reward from Retribution Jones multiple times.
— Griffith Park: Fixed barks appearing during cutscenes.
— Griffith Park: Fixed Veronica’s quest not closing out once Jones took over.
— Griffith Park: Fixed Billy quest ending if Lam was dead.
— Griffith Park: Fixed a bug with Jones’ knights not joining combat when they should have been.
— Griffith Park: Fixed McDade barking when he shouldn’t after Jones is killed.
— Seal Beach: Added descriptors to Seal Beach computer access doors.
— Seal Beach: Added a fog of war revealer to prevent breaking line of sight exploit when in cover during a certain fight.
— Seal Beach Underground: Fixed an issue allowing player to unintentionally bypass an important combat encounter.
— Seal Beach Underground: Fixed some fog of war issues.
— Endgame: Fixed an issue with cover on a wall.
— Endgame: Removed excess audio controllers.
— Long Beach: Revealing Seal Beach will not happen twice now in conversation.
— Culver City Brothel: Fixed player being able to walk through a wrecked car.
— World Map: Fletcher’s Hideout and L.A. Aqueduct will now remain visible on the world map.
— Clerc Shrine: Rebuilt navmesh because height mesh was not turned on, so the Rangers were floating.
— Localization updates across all languages.
— Skill item tooltip instructions (i.e. “Right-click to use”) should now be capitalized correctly.
— Fix to correctly handle naked keyword (no <>) with label assignment, e.g. “Goodbye=Out”, so that it generates “Out” for the English text instead of “Goodbye=Out”.
— Changed “Ranger” to “Party Member” for Speaker Name of cmd.sayRanger.
— Additional improvements for localization output so additional strings can be properly localized.
— Updated fonts to include Korean character sets.
— Removed specific Korean font that was no longer used.
— Fixed bug that removed speaker name for party members.
— Cleared the PRETRANSLATED_MARK from keybinding display text.
— Changed the ammo display name setup to use localization-friendly TextBuilder.
— Removed erroneous localization tags (!<@>) from a number of strings.
— Added a real line for Lexcanium’s rejoin.
— Added a less insulting snarky message when setting off a perceived trap.
— Fixed misspelling of “Tooltip”.
— Fixed misspelling of “HoneyDew Lewis”.
— Fixed several instances of “desert Rangers” vs. “Desert Rangers”.
— Fixed Empty Sludge Container grammatical issue.
— Fixed “ordinance” -> “ordnance” typo.
— Fixed missing space in various “PoleAxe” strings.
— Fixed “Cannibal” -> “Cannibals” typo.
— Fixed missing word in several copies of a string, making it the same as another correct existing string, so no new string generated.
— CNPCs should now correctly have text in the epilogue when they sacrifice themselves.
— Added an epilogue for Hopi/Magee in Damonta.
— Fixed some names of locations for epilogue.
— Fixed logic issue with Rodia if you killed Virgil and he’s mentioned in the epilogue.
+ Я не уверен, что водила разогнавшись до 100 отпустил тапку или не давил газу (предполагаю в таком состоянии присуща агрессивная езда)
++ Шум резины по влажной дороге и работа 2л двигателя отчетливо слышна ночью! (полагаю ДТП было ночью, когда автомобилей мало на дороге)
ps нисколько не оправдываю водителя.
А по факту, оперируя ПДД, аргументируйте почему автомобиль со спецсигналом был прав, а не фразами, типа «это должно быть всем понятно...»
Я тебе привел один из пункта правил, согласно которым все ездят.
Ты можешь аргументировать свои высказывания или все твои аргументы это — «а вот детям в школе понятно...»
Предположим в черном универсале не дай б? г ваши близкие, знакомые. Все оканчивается как в ролике, но только с летальным исходом. Вы будете уверены, что сотрудники были правы? И так и должно быть? ( Ну, согласно вашему желаемому закону)
Я вас правильно понял?
Читайте текст. Сотрудники МЧС летя на такой скорости убедились, что им уступают дорогу? По итогу ДТП оказалось, что нет! Как вам еще этот пункт пдд объяснить я не знаю. Для начала на этом участке они могли бы снизить скорость и потерять 15 секунд. А так потеряли весь выезд.
Всего наилучшего.
Не пропускали скорую, речь, очевидно, идет о пробке в которой скорее всего никто не дал коридор скорой. Ситуация совсем другая и мусолить ее не собираюсь т.к. нет фактов, а здесь видео, что да как. Включайте мозги. Зае*али!
3.1. Водители транспортных средств с включенным проблесковым маячком синего цвета, выполняя неотложное служебное задание, могут отступать от требований разделов 6 (кроме сигналов регулировщика) и 8 — 18 настоящих Правил, приложений 1 и 2 к настоящим Правилам при условии обеспечения безопасности движения.
Для получения преимущества перед другими участниками движения водители таких транспортных средств должны включить проблесковый маячок синего цвета и специальный звуковой сигнал. Воспользоваться приоритетом они могут только убедившись, что им уступают дорогу.
Ты текст, вообще, читаешь? Я че, писал, что универсал не виноват?
Во-вторых, пару ситуаций я описАл выше, и если ты не отвлекаешься на такие вещи и _НИКОГДА_ не отвлекаешься на дороге, то наверное ты самый уникальный, блять, человек на планете. Про человеческий фактор слышал, школьник?
И да, невнимательность универсала, не оправдывает водителя камаза.
Я правильно вас понял?
Все бочку катите на легковой автомобиль, а то, что по ПДД авто со спецсигналами имеет преимущество лишь убедившись, что ему уступают все видимо забыли? Понятно, что на практике все по разному у нас, однако заявлять, что черный автомобиль неправ… я хз.
Однако один из пунктов одн у меня перерасчет в сторону водоканала или теплосети (т.е. 0), не помню кого именно.
Для сравнения это же лечение в городской весьма дискомфортнее.
Да, долбо*бов за рулем масса, да ездят как мудаки и мешают своим же на дороге.
Но вы то, как человек адекватный, должны понимать чем может закончиться переход в неположенном месте, или даже на пешеходном переходе. (вас тоже хватает, которые по сторонам не смотрят, а тупо идут вперед)
Вы же понимаете, что не стоит лезть руками в оголенные провода под напряжением, так почему например при гололеде перебегаете дорогу? (исключаем детей, это люди, которые учатся, порой на своих ошибках)
Принципиальное нежелание уступить «тому мудаку на ведре с болтами» и не взвесить реальные последствия?
Мало того что по 1к рубля за содержание и ремонт сдирают и не могут уже год прибить лист жести который при ветре в стену долбит (мол вышек нет), так теперь и это.